Page 350 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
study on location-based services. Their work demonstrated showcase the versatility of beacon technology and its
that BLE beacons, when deployed in strategic locations, can potential to improve user experience by offering precise and
offer accurate positioning data for indoor environments, context aware navigation.
providing an alternative to traditional GPS systems. This III. PROPOSED WORK
study highlighted the advantages of BLE technology,
including low power consumption and the ability to transmit The proposed work aims to enhance the performance,
scalability, and functionality of BeaconTrack by addressing
data over short ranges, making it well-suited for indoor challenges such as positioning accuracy, signal interference,
navigation applications.
user experience, and integration with emerging technologies.
2. Positioning Accuracy and Challenges The proposed work will focus on the following key areas:
One of the primary concerns with beacon-based navigation 1. Improved Positioning Accuracy with Machine
systems is achieving high positioning accuracy, especially in Learning:
complex indoor spaces with obstructions. In their research,
Djukic et al. (2016) addressed the challenges of signal Objective: Enhance the positioning accuracy of BeaconTrack
using machine learning algorithms, such as Deep Neural
interference and multipath effects that can degrade the Networks (DNN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), to
performance of indoor positioning systems. They proposed a address issues like signal interference and environmental
hybrid positioning model combining beacon signals with
other sensor data (e.g., accelerometers, gyroscopes) to variability.
improve accuracy and reliability. Their work laid the Approach: Develop a predictive model to adjust and calibrate
groundwork for integrating multiple sensors with beacon- beacon data in real-time, improving navigation accuracy
based systems to achieve higher precision in dynamic even in complex indoor environments.
2. Hybrid Navigation Model with Sensor Fusion:
3. BeaconTrack and Real-Time Location Services Objective: Integrate additional sensors, such as
(RTLS) accelerometers and gyroscopes, with beacon signals to
BeaconTrack, a sophisticated beacon-based navigation provide more reliable navigation, especially in areas with
system, draws on previous research in the field of Real-Time weak beacon coverage.
Location Services (RTLS). Studies by Bahl and Padmanabhan Approach: Implement sensor fusion techniques (e.g., Kalman
(2000) and later contributions from other researchers, such
as Li and Yiu (2017), laid the foundation for accurate filtering) to combine beacon data with inertial sensor data,
positioning in large-scale indoor environments. These offering a more stable and accurate location estimate.
studies focused on the use of signal strength (RSSI) from BLE 3. Scalability and System Optimization:
beacons to determine a user's location. BeaconTrack builds Objective: Optimize the scalability of BeaconTrack to support
upon these principles but incorporates advanced algorithms large-scale indoor environments, such as airports, shopping
and machine learning techniques to improve the accuracy malls, or stadiums, without sacrificing performance.
and efficiency of location tracking, even in crowded or
obstructed spaces. Approach: Use dynamic beacon placement algorithms and
cloud-based data processing to handle real-updates and
4. Applications of Beacon Technology improve system performance in large deployments.
The adoption of beacon technology in various sectors has 4. Proximity-Based Personalized Services:
demonstrated its potential in enhancing navigation
experiences. In the retail industry, beacon-based systems Objective: Develop proximity-based services that offer
have been implemented to guide customers through stores, personalized information, promotions, or guidance based on
offer personalized discounts, and monitor customer behavior the user's real-time location.
(Xu et al., 2016). In healthcare, beacon- based systems have Approach: Integrate BeaconTrack with location-based
been used for asset tracking and navigation within hospitals, services to provide targeted ads, product recommendations,
helping staff and patients navigate the complex layout of or directions to users based on their proximity to specific
medical facilities (Wang et al., 2019). These applications locations or products.
Table of Beacon Technology
Proposed Area Description Objectives
Integrating Beacon Track with Ar technology to provide 1.Develop AR navigation
Integration with immersive, visual navigation with real-time overlays of overlays(turnby-turn) Directions,
Augmente Reality
directional cues and points of interest. highlighted points of interest).
1.Implement proximity-based
Proximity-based Enabling personalized notifications, advertisements, and services.(e.g., discounts,
personalized Services guidance
Crowd-Sourced Allowing Beacon Track to selfoptimize collecting real-time 1. Implement crowd-sourced data
Calibration and Self- crowd-sourced, improving beacon calibration and system collection.
Optimization performance
Integrating Beacon Track into the infrastructure of smart 1.Improve real-time navigation
Smart City cities for better coordination with urban management services by considering city-wide
systems, traffic, and public transport data.
Security and Privacy Focusing on enhancing security protocols to safeguard 1.Ensure privacy through
Enhancements location and userdata. anonymous
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