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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470

        The	proposed	research	model	for	BeaconTrack	integrates	various	components	and	techniques	to	optimize	the	performance	of
        beacon-based	navigation	systems.	The	model	involves	several	layers,	including	data	collection,	processing,	user	interaction,	and
        system	optimization.
        1.  Data	Collection	Layer:
        Ø  Beacon	Signals:	Collect	data	from	multiple	Bluetooth	Low	Energy	(BLE)	beacons.
        Ø  Sensor	Data:	Collect	data	from	user	devices	(e.g.,	accelerometers,	gyroscopes)	for	sensor	fusion.
        Ø  Crowdsourced	Data:	Use	real-time	user	data	to	calibrate	and	optimize	the	system.
        2.  Data	Processing	Layer:
        Ø  Machine	Learning	Algorithms:	Implement	ML	models	(DNN,	SVM)	to	improve	positioning	accuracy	by	handling	signal
            interference	and	environmental	changes.
        Ø  Sensor	Fusion:	Integrate	data	from	beacons	and	sensors	(e.g.,	using	Kalman	filters)	to	enhance	navigation	accuracy,
            especially	in	challenging	environments.
        3.  Personalization	and	AR	Layer:
        Ø  Proximity-based	Services:	Deliver	personalized	services	(e.g.,	targeted	notifications,	discounts)	based	on	location.
        Ø  Augmented	Reality	(AR):	Provide	visual	guidance	with	AR	to	enhance	navigation	through	real-time	overlays.

                                       Fig:	Navigation	System	with	Beacon	Technology
        4.  Optimization	Layer:
        Ø  Cloud-Based	Processing:	Use	cloud	services	for	data	processing	and	to	scale	BeaconTrack	for	large	environments.
        Ø  Self-Optimization	and	Calibration:	Implement	crowdsourced	calibration	and	dynamic	optimization	to	improve	system
            accuracy	and	performance.
        5.  Smart	City	Integration:
        Ø  Real-Time	City	Data:	Integrate	real-time	data	from	smart	city	infrastructure,	such	as	traffic	management,	public	transport,
            and	environmental	data,	for	optimized	routing.
        6.  Security	and	Privacy	Layer:
        Ø  Data	Security:	Ensure	secure	data	transmission	and	encryption	to	protect	user	privacy	and	location	data.
        Ø  Privacy	Preservation:	Implement	privacy	measures	like	anonymous	identification	and	location	data	protection.

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	341
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