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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
where LifeLine can make a significant impact. Public Implicit Emotional Suppression on Perception and
education campaigns that raise awareness about mental Memory. Neuropsychologia.
health and emotional distress can help change societal [8] Kwasnicka, D., Presseau, J., White, M., & Sniehotta, F. F.
attitudes and reduce the barriers to seeking help. Research in (2013). Does Planning How to Cope with Anticipated
this area could focus on the effectiveness of such campaigns,
the role of LifeLine in reducing stigma, and the impact on Barriers Facilitate Health-Related Behaviour Change?
A Systematic Review. Health Psychology Review, 7(2),
individuals’ willingness to engage in suicide prevention 129–145.
programs. Additionally, training healthcare professionals to
be more empathetic and reduce stigma could improve how [9] Stallman, H. M. (2017). *Meeting the Needs of Patients
mental health challenges are approached in clinical settings. Who Have Suicidal Thoughts Presenting to Emergency
Departments. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 29(6),
• Integration with Other Health and Wellness 749.
Finally, future research can explore how LifeLine can [10] Franklin, J. C., Ribeiro, J. D., Fox, K. R., Bentley, K. H.,
collaborate with other health and wellness initiatives, Kleiman, E. M., Huang, X., et al. (2017).*Risk Factors
including physical health programs, mindfulness practices, for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis
and social wellness activities. Emotional resilience does not of 50 Years of Research. Psychological Bulletin,
exist in isolation but is part of an individual’s overall well- 143(2), 187–232.
being. Integrating LifeLine with holistic wellness programs [11] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
could offer individuals a more comprehensive approach to “An Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning
mental and emotional health. Future studies could Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1 International
investigate how combining mental health services with Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
physical activities, meditation, and peer support could create Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10 & 11 June 2022, 2456-
a more robust, sustainable model for promoting happiness 3463, Volume 7, PP. 25-30,
and preventing suicide.
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