Page 399 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        6.  Scope	 of	 the	 Paper:	 The	 study	 explores	 Life	 Line's	  suicidal	ideation.
            potential	impact	on	mental	health	service	delivery	and
            its	role	in	overcoming	systemic	barriers.	         Crisis	Text	Line	has	gained	prominence	for	its	real-time,	text-
                                                               based	crisis	support,	connecting	individuals	in	distress	with
        II.    RELATED	WORK	                                   trained	crisis	counselors.	This	platform	has	been	particularly
        The	growing	recognition	of	mental	health	as	a	critical	public	  effective	in	reaching	younger	populations	and	those	who
        health	issue	has	led	to	the	development	of	several	digital	  prefer	text	communication	over	phone	calls.	However,	the
        platforms	 focused	 on	 enhancing	 mental	 well-being	 and	  text-only	format	can	be	limiting	for	users	who	require	more
        suicide	 prevention.	 Platforms	 such	 as	 7	 Cups,	 Talkspace,	  personalized	or	in-depth	support,	underscoring	the	potential
        BetterHelp,	 and	 Crisis	 Text	 Line	 have	 made	 significant	  benefits	of	integrating	additional	modes	of	communication,
        contributions	 by	 addressing	 the	 accessibility	 and	 stigma	  such	as	voice	and	video	calls.
        challenges	associated	with	traditional	mental	health	services.	  While	 research	 also	 highlights	 the	 potential	 of	 AI-driven
        These	 platforms	 provide	 tools	 such	 as	 peer	 support,
        professional	counseling,	and	crisis	intervention,	which	have	  tools	 like	 Woebot	 and	 predictive	 algorithms	 for	 suicide
                                                               prevention,	 these	 technologies	 often	 face	 ethical	 and
        transformed	 the	 way	 mental	 health	 care	 is	 delivered.	  practical	challenges,	including	concerns	about	user	privacy
        However,	each	platform	has	unique	limitations,	highlighting	  and	their	ability	to	respond	effectively	to	high-risk	situations.
        the	need	for	more	comprehensive	and	integrated	solutions.
                                                               As	such,	the	gaps	in	these	existing	platforms	emphasize	the
        7	Cups,	for	instance,	connects	users	with	trained	volunteers	  need	for	a	comprehensive	solution	that	integrates	evidence-
        and	 licensed	 therapists,	 offering	 text-based	 emotional	  based	interventions,	real-time	crisis	response,	and	long-term
        support.	 While	 this	 model	 fosters	 accessibility	 and	  support	mechanisms.
        anonymity,	its	reliance	on	peer	support	often	limits	its	ability
        to	provide	care	for	individuals	in	acute	mental	health	crises.	  The	 development	 of	 Life	 Line	 seeks	 to	 address	 these
                                                               limitations	 by	 combining	 the	 most	 effective	 features	 of
        Similarly,	 Talkspace	 and	 BetterHelp	 have	 revolutionized	  existing	platforms	while	focusing	on	accessibility,	inclusivity,
        online	 therapy	 by	 offering	 virtual	 access	 to	 licensed
        professionals	 via	 text,	 video,	 or	 audio	 consultations.	  and	 ethical	 practices.	 By	 incorporating	 real-time	 crisis
                                                               support,	peer	engagement,	and	professional	counseling,	Life
        Although	 these	 platforms	 have	 successfully	 reduced	  Line	aims	to	create	a	holistic	digital	platform	that	bridges	the
        geographic	and	financial	barriers	to	therapy,	they	primarily	  gap	between	traditional	mental	health	care	and	the	needs	of
        focus	on	ongoing	counseling	and	lack	sufficient	mechanisms
        to	address	real-time	crisis	situations,	such	as	those	involving	  individuals	at	risk.

                               Fig	1	:-	Stakeholders	and	Goals	for	Improved	Mental	Health	Care
        The	proposed	system,	LifeLine:	A	Digital	System	for	Promoting	Happiness	and	Preventing	Suicide,	is	a	holistic	digital	platform
        designed	to	enhance	mental	well-being	and	reduce	the	risk	of	suicide.	Unlike	existing	platforms,	LifeLine	focuses	on	providing	a
        comprehensive	solution	that	integrates	multiple	support	mechanisms	to	address	the	diverse	needs	of	its	users.	The	system
        aims	to	combine	self-help	tools,	peer	support,	professional	counseling,	and	crisis	intervention	within	a	single,	accessible
        platform.	Its	goal	is	to	create	a	safe,	inclusive,	and	effective	digital	environment	for	mental	health	care	while	addressing	critical
        gaps	in	existing	solutions.

        The	primary	features	of	the	proposed	system	include:
        Ø  Self-Help	 Resources:	 LifeLine	 will	 provide	 users	 with	 evidence-based	 self-help	 tools,	 such	 as	 guided	 journaling,
            mindfulness	exercises,	stress	management	techniques,	and	interactive	modules	for	building	resilience.	These	tools	are
            designed	to	promote	mental	well-being	proactively,	equipping	users	with	the	skills	to	manage	stress,	anxiety,	and	negative

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	389
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