Page 416 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
3. Trust and Satisfaction: The study will evaluate the more insights into price trends and historical data, it
level of trust consumers place in smart comparison could lead to a more efficient and consumer-driven
systems. Factors such as data accuracy, ease of use, and market.
transparency of the platform will be analyzed to
Privacy, Ethics, and Accuracy
determine how these impact user satisfaction and long- With the rise of smart comparison systems, privacy, ethics,
term adoption.
and data accuracy are critical concerns:
Impact on E-Commerce Platforms
1. Data Privacy: The collection of vast amounts of
Smart comparison systems have significant implications for
consumer data (e.g., browsing behavior, purchasing
the e-commerce industry. This research will examine the
history) raises concerns about how this information is
stored and protected. The study will explore the
1. Price Competition: SCS increases the competitive measures taken by SCS providers to ensure data security
pressure on online retailers by providing consumers and privacy compliance (e.g., GDPR).
with an easy way to compare prices. E-commerce
platforms may need to adjust their pricing strategies or 2. Algorithm Transparency: Consumers must understand
offer additional value (e.g., faster shipping, loyalty how recommendations and price comparisons are
generated. The research will examine the transparency
rewards) to stay competitive.
of algorithms and whether consumers are informed
2. Product Availability and Stock Management: The about the factors influencing the price comparisons and
ability to track product availability in real-time recommendations.
influences how e-commerce platforms manage 3. Accuracy and Bias: SCS rely heavily on data accuracy to
inventory. Retailers may need to adjust stock levels and ensure that users receive correct price comparisons. The
respond to price fluctuations more dynamically to paper will address potential issues with data
remain competitive.
inaccuracies, such as incorrect pricing, incomplete
3. Consumer Loyalty: SCS may foster brand loyalty among product details, or biased recommendations, and
consumers who value the transparency and ease of price explore the ethical implications of such issues.
comparisons. Platforms that integrate SCS or partner 4. Consumer Consent: The ethical implications of using
with third-party comparison tools could see increased consumer data for personalized recommendations will
customer retention and trust.
be explored. How do SCS platforms ensure that
4. Market Transparency: SCS promotes greater price consumers are informed and give consent before their
transparency across the market. As consumers gain data is used for comparison purposes?
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 406