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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
                                                                Face2Face, and NeuralTextures are fake, while MT_Old is the
                                                                best at detecting the unseen method FaceSwap.
                                                                5.  Conclusion
                                                                Instead  of  developing  a  false  picture  detector  with  a  big
                                                                training  dataset  encompassing  a  variety  of  forgery
                                                                techniques, this study used meta-learning to train a neural
                                                                network capable of recognizing phony photos produced by
                                                                multiple undetectable forgery strategies with a small number
                                                                of samples. The suggested technique emphasizes the usage of
                                                                data from a small number  of samples in order to  rapidly
                                                                update the false detector. Despite the limited sample size, the
                                                                experimental findings suggest that the proposed approach
                                                                can  greatly  increase  performance  metrics  such  as  AUC,
                                                                accuracy, and IoU. This demonstrates that this strategy is
                                                                worth examining further. Improving feature extraction from

                                                                a  small  number  of  samples  and  broadening  the  range  of
             Figure 4. AUC comparison between random initial weights   possible techniques (training)Tasks are prospective future
             (without  the  suggested  method)  and  meta-learning  for   areas. This paper demonstrates that by employing the meta-
             picture detection using FaceSwap alteration methods. The y-  learning paradigm, we can train a system to detect emerging
             axis represents the AUC value, while the x-axis represents   counterfeit tactics from small sample numbers. As a result,
             the size of the fine-tuned training set.           new counterfeit tactics can be discovered with a minimal
                                                                number of samples. As a result, the detector's response time
                                                                can be reduced when competing with forgers. One of the
                                                                disadvantages  of  our  strategy  is  that  it  requires  only  a
                                                                modest  amount  of  training  data.  However,  given  the
                                                                unavailability of a method that can detect every new forging
                                                                technique  without  further  training,  obtaining  a  limited
                                                                number of training samples remains a prudent approach.
                                                                The direction is to compare the effects of the quantity  of
                                                                training tasks on meta-training for detection performance.
                                                                The authors' contributions include: Y.-K.L. conceptualization;
                                                                Y.-K.L. methodology; Y.-K.L. software; Y.-K.L. validation; Y.-
                                                                K.L.  formal  analysis;  T.-Y.Y.  investigation;  Y.-K.L.  original
                                                                draft  writing;  Y.-K.L.  review  and  editing  writing;  Y.-K.L.
                                                                project administration; and Y.-K.L. funding acquisition. All
                                                                authors  have  read  and  approved  the  manuscript  as

                                                                Funding: The Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan
             Figure 5. AUC comparison between random initial weights
             (without the suggested method) and meta-learning for image   funded this study under grant number MOST-109-2221-E-
             detection using NeuralTextures manipulation methods. The   153-003.Data Availability Statement: Not relevant.
             y-axis represents the AUC value, while the x-axis represents   No conflicts of interest have been disclosed by the writers.
             the size of the fine-tuned training set.           The funders were not involved in the study's design, data
                                                                collection, analysis, or interpretation, manuscript writing, or
             The most similar study to ours in published literature is [10],
                                                                the choice to publish the findings.
             because our pioneering work seeks to identify forging zones
             and determine whether a certain image is fabricated using   6.  References
             limited samples. Their work only examined two training sets   [1]   Yamasaki,  T.;  Shiohara,  K.  Self-Blended  Images  for
             and  presented  experimental  results  on  the  pixel-wise   Deepfake  Detection.  Proceedings  of  the  IEEE/CVF
             accuracy of forgery region detection, despite the fact that it   Conference  on  Computer  Vision  and  Pattern
             detects forgeries and determines whether an input image is   Recognition,  June  19–20,  2022,  New  Orleans,
             counterfeit.  In  Section  4.2,  we  explained  why  pixel-wise   Louisiana, USA, pp. 18720–18729.
             precision  is  not  an  appropriate  criterion  for  detecting   [2]
             forgeries regions. However, the pixel-wise accuracy and IoU   Thies, J.; Nießner, M.; Zollhöfer, M. Neural  texture-
             metrics employed in this study's comprehensive findings on   based image synthesis is known as deferred neural
             counterfeit zone identification can also be used as a standard   rendering. 38, 1–12, ACM Trans. Graph. (TOG) 2019.
             to measure the performance of future research endeavors.   [3]   Theobalt, C.; Nießner, M.; Stamminger, M.; Zollhofer,
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             detection strategies used in [10,38] to the suggested method.   and  rgb  video  reenactment.  pp.  2387–2395  in
             Table  2  shows  the  first  two  techniques  provided  by   Proceedings  of  the  IEEE  Conference  on  Computer
             Cozzolino et al. [38]: FT_Res and FT. Nguyen et al. propose   Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 26–30, 2016, Las
             four techniques: deeper_FT, MT_old, no_recon, and MT_new.   Vegas, NV, USA.
             According to Table 2, the suggested methodology is the best   [4]
             at  evaluating  if  the  unseen  approaches  DeepFakes,   Thies,  J.  Face2Face:  Reenacting  faces  in  real  time.
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