Page 424 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Enhancing Productivity with Jarvis:
Bridging Technology and Cognitive Assistance
Sanskruti Galewar , Om Tayade , Prof. Anupam Chaube
1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT Therefore in this review paper we will highlight how Jarvis
The promotion of artificial intelligence (AI) has been very productivity, looking at how it automates work, supports
fast which has changed the way people use technology and decisions and provides customized solutions. We will also
has brought about huge improvements in productivity. explore the areas of Artificial Intelligence and cognitive
Among the AI solutions, Jarvis seems to be a large-scale support – here, the core of AI as something that can enhance
cognitive solution designed to put some effort in managing the cognition processes, is critical for improving
working, coordinating tasks and supporting decision- productivity.
making processes outcomes. This review paper focuses on
the overall enhancements in productivity improvements How Jarvis Contributes to Efficiency
whereby this paper explores the main functionalities of 1. Automation and Time Management
Jarvis, capabilities of integration, and the general challenge This inevitably saves time through simplification of work
that may be encountered. In a way of combining the activities – several routine operations are thereby automated
application of technology and cognitive helping Jarvis is a by Jarvis. It has functions such as scheduling of
appointments, sending reminders, composing emails and
revolutionary approach in harnessing the productivity of an
synchronizing calendars all these without needing any input
individual or an organization.
from a human being. This level of task automation saves
time, time that can be used more effectively for performing
KEYWORDS: Aid for Distraction, Boost up productivity, advanced, innovative, and valuable-added tasks. In managing
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process, Automation, affairs, care is taken to do things efficiently, and with a
Human Digital Assistant, Machine Learning, Optimized Work cognitive assistant managing day-to-day tasks work becomes
Flow smoother.
INTRODUCTION 2. Intelligent Data Processing
Due to the advancement in technology, organizations give He stated that Jarvis is able, at a very high speed, to scan
birth to efficient digital tools that are aimed at improving most data sets and define trends, offering conclusions that
can be implemented. For instance, it can sort out a
efficiency and effectiveness of work processes. Of these
innovations, the smart cognitive assistants often known as company’s selling records to offer stock control proposals or
sort out a scholarly paper for related studies and references.
personal AI agents like Jarvis are noteworthy since it
Thus, innovators in the MS Office Suite, such as Jarvis,
encompasses cognitive help with the technological functions.
A show from the eighties referencing the AI interface as enhance decision making for the knowledge worker
community resulting in better decision outcomes in data-
inspired by fictional systems, Jarvis reflects the
driven settings.
computational interface of the next generation that
encompasses a link between knowledge and operation. 3. Personalised help and Context Sensing
This makes it far different from standard task management
At the time when it is more difficult to analyze various data
and choose appropriate strategies due to the greatest systems, as Jarvis is able to adapt to users’ ehaviour patterns.
amount of information received in the process of work and As the user works, it learns the working style of the user and
personal life, there is high demand for the intelligent system begins to suggest items individual for its specific needs. For
and its helpfulness in the interaction with it. Jarvis is a example, it can recommend the best schedule of work
perfect example of a new generation of technologies that can according to the actions of a particular employee in the
move from simple task solving to active and responsive course of the previous days, weeks, or months; it can prepare
support relevant to a specific user. a schedule for the meetings; It can also offer information
connected to the actions that it predicts an employee will be
Cognitive assistant defined as AI-based digital helper has performing in near future, for instance, prior to the deadline
shifted from a fictional invention to a real-life innovation of a particular project.
within the last few years. One of such progressive patterns is
the so-called Jarvis, a highly advanced AI system. Because of 4. Better Facilitation of Communication and
the capability in analyzing tremendous amounts of data, Cooperation
synthesizing natural language, and executing various tasks In the domain of communication, Jarvis has an ability of
independently, Jarvis and its competitors has been increasing efficiency as the medium of communication
transformed into one of the major performers in maximizing management is made simpler. It can accommodate email, a
the utilization of people’s time. message, and a virtual meeting, filtering out important
messages and assisting users in sorting the conversation list.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 414