Page 44 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
                information, empowering individuals to make informed     Mobile  health  applications:  Kumar  et  al.  (2019)
                decisions about their health.                      developed a mobile health application for diagnosing
                                                                   cardiovascular diseases using ML algorithms
               Behavioral  Change  Advocacy:  By  promoting
                awareness about the importance of routine screenings,   While these studies demonstrate the potential of AI and ML
                preventive measures, and healthy lifestyles, DigiVision   in healthcare diagnostics, they are limited to specific disease
                seeks  to  drive  long-term  behavioral  changes  within   diagnosis or require specialized equipment. DigiVision builds
                communities.                                    upon this research by developing a multi-disease diagnostic
                                                                platform that leverages AI and ML for early disease detection
               Localized Content Delivery: The platform ensures that   and public awareness.
                health education materials are culturally sensitive and
                available  in  multiple  languages  to  reach  diverse   4.  Proposed Work
                populations.                                    The proposed work aims to further develop DigiVision into a
                                                                comprehensive  platform  capable  of  addressing  diverse
             C.  Community-Centric Deployment                   healthcare needs. Key objectives include:
               Partnerships  with  Local  Stakeholders:  DigiVision
                emphasizes collaboration with governments, NGOs, and   A.  Expand Diagnostic Capabilities
                local  healthcare  providers  to  tailor  its  deployment     Develop and enhance AI algorithms to enable accurate
                strategies to the specific needs of each community.   multi-disease  detection,  including  non-communicable
                                                                   diseases  (e.g.,  diabetes,  hypertension)  and  infectious
               Capacity Building: The platform incorporates a “Train-
                                                                   diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, malaria).
                the-Trainer”  model  to  ensure  that  local  healthcare
                workers are equipped with the skills needed to operate     Incorporate diagnostic modules for region-specific and
                and maintain the system effectively.               rare  diseases  to  address  the  unique  needs  of
                                                                   underserved populations.
               Affordability and Accessibility: By minimizing costs
                and leveraging mobile technology, DigiVision reduces   B.  Integrate Telemedicine Services
                financial and logistical barriers to healthcare access.     Add  teleconsultation  features  to  connect  users  with
                                                                   healthcare  professionals  for  follow-up  care  and
             The integration of these pillars ensures that DigiVision not
             only addresses the immediate needs of disease diagnosis but   treatment recommendations.
             also  contributes  to  the  long-term  sustainability  of  health     Enable  remote  monitoring  by  integrating  wearable
             systems  and  the  empowerment  of  individuals  and   health devices to track and share real-time health data.
             communities.  This  framework  highlights  the  platform’s
             potential to bridge critical gaps in healthcare delivery and   C.  Optimize User Experience and Accessibility
             awareness.                                           Design  a  user-friendly  interface  with  support  for
                                                                   multiple   languages,   cultural   localization,   and
             3.  Related Work                                      accessibility  features  like  text-to-speech  and  voice
             Existing research demonstrates the potential of AI-driven   commands.
             tools in healthcare. Platforms like Ada Health and Babylon
             Health have shown promising results in symptom-checking     Include educational resources to increase health literacy
             and diagnostic support. However, these tools often focus on   and encourage preventive health behaviors.
             single-disease  diagnostics  and  lack  integration  with   D.  Conduct Pilot Programs for Validation
             community-specific needs. DigiVision differentiates itself by     Implement pilot deployments in both urban and rural
             offering multi-disease diagnostic capabilities and a strong   settings to assess the platform’s usability, effectiveness,
             emphasis  on  public  health  awareness,  addressing  the   and adaptability.
             broader health disparities faced by underserved populations.
             Numerous studies have explored the application of artificial     Gather  feedback  from  end-users  and  stakeholders  to
             intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare   refine the platform and address challenges encountered
             diagnostics:                                          during testing.
               Deep  learning-based  diagnosis:  Esteva  et  al.  (2017)   E.  Ensure Scalability and Sustainability
                demonstrated  the  effectiveness  of  deep  learning     Develop cost-effective strategies to deploy DigiVision in
                algorithms in diagnosing skin cancer .             low-resource  settings,  leveraging  partnerships  with
                                                                   governments and NGOs.
               Computer-aided  detection:  Rajpurkar  et  al.  (2017)
                developed  a  computer-aided  detection  system  for     Build a robust infrastructure using cloud-based systems
                diagnosing breast cancer from mammography images .   and offline capabilities to support large-scale adopti
               Multi-disease diagnosis: Kermany et al. (2018) proposed
                a  deep  learning-based  approach  for  multi-disease
                diagnosis from retinal fundus images

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