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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                                  A Technological Revolution in Public
                            Health Education through Disease Detection

                                   Sahil Chavhan , Sayali Maske , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                          1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
                          1,2 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           Machine learning algorithms that have been trained on large
             The integration of advanced technologies in public health   datasets gathered from many medical sources form the basis
             has initiated a transformative era in disease detection and   of  the  Multiple  Disease  Prediction  System.  Numerous
             education. Leveraging tools such as artificial intelligence,   parameters are covered by these databases, such as genetic
             machine  learning,  wearable  devices,  and  data  analytics,   predispositions,  lab  results,  environmental  impacts,  and
             modern  systems  provide  accurate  diagnostics  while   demographic  data.  The  system  uses  algorithms  such  as
             promoting widespread health literacy. This paper reviews   random forests, decision trees, and neural networks to find
             current advancements, highlights innovative applications,   connections  and  patterns  that  might  be  hard  for  human
             and  evaluates  the  challenges  of  implementing  these   specialists to find. The system improves its predictions over
             technologies in global healthcare. The review explores the   time by continuously assimilating fresh data, guaranteeing
             ethical,  social,  and  technical  implications  of  utilizing   precision and applicability in a medical environment that is
             cutting-edge  methods  to  revolutionize  public  health   changing quickly.
             education  and  disease  prevention.  By  combining  robust
                                                                2.  Conceptual Framework
             diagnostic tools with tailored educational initiatives, this
                                                                2.1.  The Importance of Health Education in Disease
             paper outlines a framework for enhancing public health
             outcomes worldwide.
                                                                Health education is the cornerstone of disease prevention,
             Machine  learning  algorithms  that  have  been  trained  on   equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to make
             large datasets gathered from many medical sources form   informed health decisions. However, traditional education
             the  basis  of  the  Multiple  Disease  Prediction  System.   methods, such as pamphlets, workshops, and public service
             Numerous parameters are covered by these databases, such   announcements, often lack personalization and fail to engage
             as  genetic  predispositions,  lab  results,  environmental   diverse  populations  effectively.  Technology  offers  an
             impacts, and demographic data. The system uses algorithms   opportunity to create dynamic, tailored content that reaches
             such as random forests, decision trees, and neural networks   individuals across socio-economic and geographic barriers,
             to find connections and patterns that might  be hard for   ensuring equitable access to critical health information.
             human  specialists  to  find.  The  system  improves  its
                                                                2.2.  Evolution of Disease Detection Technologies
             predictions over time by continuously assimilating fresh
                                                                Over the past decades, disease detection technologies have
             data, guaranteeing precision and applicability in a medical
                                                                evolved from basic laboratory tests and manual diagnostics
             environment that is changing quickly.
                                                                to sophisticated systems powered by artificial intelligence.

             KEYWORDS:  Public  health,  disease  detection,  artificial   Early  tools  relied  heavily  on  pattern  recognition  and
                                                                statistical modeling, while modern approaches utilize deep
             intelligence,  health  education,  machine  learning,  data
                                                                learning models capable of processing complex data such as
             analytics,  wearable  technology,  healthcare  innovation,
                                                                genomic sequences, medical imaging, and real-time health
             prevention strategies
                                                                metrics.  These  advancements  have  significantly  reduced

                                                                diagnostic errors and shortened timeframes, enabling earlier
             1.  INTRODUCTION                                   interventions and better outcomes.
             Public  health  faces  unprecedented  challenges  due  to  the
             rising  incidence  of  chronic  and  infectious  diseases,   2.3.  Integration of Education and Diagnostics
             exacerbated  by  urbanization,  climate  change,  and  global   The  integration  of  education  and  diagnostic  technologies
             mobility. Advances in disease detection technologies have   represents a paradigm shift in public health. Platforms that
             not only enhanced diagnostic accuracy but also opened new   provide real-time diagnostic results alongside educational
             pathways  for  health  education.  This  paper  explores  how   content  empower  users  to  understand  their  health
             integrating  technological  innovations  into  public  health   conditions and take informed actions. For example, AI-driven
             education fosters better understanding and prevention of   apps  can  analyze  health  data  from  wearable  devices  and
             diseases.  By  combining  diagnostic  technologies  with   deliver tailored recommendations, creating a seamless loop
             educational  tools,  it  is  possible  to  create  a  system  that   between detection and education.
             promotes  awareness,  accessibility,  and  improved  patient
             outcomes. The overarching goal is to leverage technology to   3.  RELATED WORK
             bridge gaps in healthcare delivery and empower individuals   Technologies such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs),
                                                                natural  language  processing  (NLP),  and  wearable  health
             to take proactive roles in their health management.
                                                                monitors have revolutionized disease detection. AI-powered
                                                                platforms like IBM Watson and Google Health demonstrate

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