Page 460 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
SilverScreenX, which integrates immersive tools to SilverScreenX and Industry Trends:-
streamline product channels and enhance creative SilverScreenX is n't the first platform to integrate immersive
inflexibility. technologies into cinema, but it stands out for its
comprehensive approach to invention across all stages of
Followership Experience and Engagement:-
moviemaking. Platforms like Oculus Story Studio and Within
Immersive technologies have also been anatomized in terms
have preliminarily explored VR liar, while tools like Unity
of their impact on followership engagement. Studies similar
and Unreal Engine have eased immersive content creation.
as Slater and Sanchez- Vives( 2016) explore the cerebral
still, SilverScreenX differentiates itself by combining these
goods of presence and absorption in VR gests , noting their
capabilities into a unified ecosystem acclimatized for
implicit to elicit stronger emotional responses compared to
filmmakers and cult likewise.
traditional media. also, scholars like Jenkins( 2006) and
Murray( 2012) have bandied the rise of participatory culture, Proposed Work:-
where cult no longer consume stories passively but Examine the Role of Immersive Technologies in Film
laboriously shape their unfolding through interactive Production Explore how SilverScreenX utilizes VR, AR, and
platforms. SilverScreenX leverages these principles to MR in pre-production, production, and postproduction
produce immersive gests that foster deeper connections workflows, focusing on the efficiency, creativity, and
between observers and narratives. innovation these tools enable.
Challenges of Immersive Media:- Evaluate Audience Interaction and Engagement Assess how
While the benefits of immersive technologies are well- immersive technologies enhance the audience experience,
proved, several experimenters have refocused out the examining factors such as interactivity, emotional
challenges associated with their relinquishment. For immersion, and personalization. Identify Challenges and
illustration, Freina and Ott( 2015) identify walls similar as Opportunities Investigate the technical, creative, and
high product costs, specialized complexity, and the need for logistical challenges faced by filmmakers adopting
technical tackle, which can limit availability and scalability. immersive technologies and highlight opportunities for
also, immersive content creation demands new skill sets and industry-wide adoption.
creative approaches, as noted by Raij et al.( 2017), who
stress the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration in
prostrating these hurdles.
Enhance the functionality and stoner experience of the a wider range of stoner requirements, including quicker
original website, we will apply a series of variations and access to services, enhanced usability, and an expanded
upgrades using advanced technologies and recently portfolio of immolations. The crucial variations are as
integrated installations. The streamlined website will feed to follows
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 450