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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                       WearItRent: An Innovative Approach to Redefining
                         Fashion with Local Shop-Based Clothing Rentals

                  Laxmikant S. Gakhare , Ayush R. Ghatole , Prof. Poonam Kale , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                           1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1,2,3 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          4 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           This paper explores the motivation, design, and potential
             The rise of fast fashion has led to significant environmental   impact of WearItRent. It highlights the platform’s ability to
             concerns, including excessive waste and resource depletion.   empower local businesses, reduce environmental harm, and
             In response, the clothing rental market has emerged as a   cater to the evolving preferences of modern consumers
             sustainable alternative. This paper introduces WearItRent,
             an  innovative  online  platform  designed  to  connect  local   By  connecting  shop  owners  and  consumers,  WearItRent
             shops  offering  clothing  rental  services  with  consumers   supports small businesses while empowering individuals to
             seeking affordable and eco-friendly options. By leveraging   embrace eco-friendly practices. Through features such as
             advanced  web  technologies  and  user-centric  design   geolocation-based  searches,  real-time  inventory  updates,
             principles, WearItRent aims to simplify the rental process,   secure  payment  gateways,  and  easy-to-use  interfaces,
             enhance accessibility, and foster community engagement.   WearItRent redefines how fashion is accessed, consumed,
             The platform integrates real-time inventory management,   and shared in the digital era.
             secure  payment  gateways,  and  a  location-based  search   Key  features  such  as  location-based  search,  real-time
             feature to optimize user experience. Initial studies suggest   inventory updates, secure payment gateways, and seamless
             that WearItRent has the potential to reduce textile waste,   user experiences make WearItRent a convenient and eco-
             support local businesses, and provide consumers with a   friendly choice. By facilitating sustainable consumption and
             convenient  and  sustainable  alternative  to  traditional   championing circular fashion, WearItRent is reshaping the
             shopping. Future work includes expanding the platform’s   fashion industry and paving the way for a more responsible
             capabilities to include personalized recommendations and   future.
             scalability for larger markets.
                                                                2.  Related Work :
                                                                The  rise  of  online  platforms  for  various  industries  has
             KEYWORDS: Clothing rental, sustainability, local businesses,   spurred innovations in connecting consumers and service
             online  platform,  textile  waste  reduction,  inventory   providers.  In  the  context  of  clothing  rentals,  several
             management                                         platforms have emerged to address this need, yet many focus
                                                                predominantly  on  high-end  fashion  or  cater  to  urban
             1.  INTRODUCTION                                   markets, leaving local businesses underserved.
             In an era where sustainability has become a global priority,
             the fashion industry—long criticized for its environmental   Previous studies have explored the development of rental
             impact—is undergoing significant transformation. The fast   services in different domains, emphasizing the importance of
             fashion  model,  characterized  by  mass  production  and   user  experience  and  accessibility.  For  example,  existing
             disposable trends, has contributed to excessive textile waste   platforms  like  Rent  the  Runway  and  Style  Lend  have
             and resource consumption. Recognizing these challenges, the   highlighted  the  significance  of  seamless  online  interfaces
             concept  of  clothing  rental  has  gained  traction  as  a   combined  with  robust  inventory  management.  However,
             sustainable alternative.                           these solutions often exclude small, local retailers who lack
                                                                the technical infrastructure to compete in the digital market.
             WearItRent  seeks  to  address  the  gap  between  consumer
             demand  for  rental  services  and  the  accessibility  of  such   Research has also emphasized the environmental benefits of
             options,  particularly  from  local  shops.  By  providing  a   rental services, noting substantial reductions in textile waste
             centralized  platform,  the  initiative  aims  to  connect   and  carbon  emissions.  Studies  have  demonstrated  that
             consumers  with  a  wide  range  of  affordable  and  stylish   collaborative consumption models can significantly mitigate
             clothing  while  supporting  small  businesses.  This  dual   the  environmental  impact  of  fast  fashion,  aligning  with
             approach not only promotes sustainable fashion but also   global sustainability goals.
             stimulates local economies.                        WearItRent distinguishes itself by integrating local shops
                                                                into  the  digital  ecosystem,  providing  them  with  tools  to
             The platform leverages advanced technologies to enhance
             user  experience  and  operational  efficiency.  Key  features   manage  inventory  and  attract  customers  efficiently.  This
             include  a  real-time  inventory  system  for  shop  owners,   inclusive  approach  not  only  fills  a  market  gap  but  also
             location-based search for users, and a seamless transaction   strengthens community ties while promoting eco-friendly
             process. By bridging the gap between local suppliers and   practices.  By  building  on  the  lessons  and  limitations  of
             tech-savvy consumers, WearItRent aspires to redefine how   existing  platforms,  WearItRent  aspires  to  redefine  the
             people  approach  fashion,  making  it  more  inclusive  and   clothing  rental  landscape  through  a  more  localized  and
             environmentally responsible.                       inclusive strategy.

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