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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
experience by allowing customers to virtually try on clothes, bridging the gap between the digital and physical retail spaces.
These technological innovations not only enhance customer satisfaction but also help to mitigate challenges like high return
rates by enabling consumers to make more informed decisions. As technologies continue to evolve, platforms that effectively
employ these tools will likely see significant competitive advantages in the marketplace.
As consumer attitudes continue to shift, the stigma associated with renting clothing is diminishing, particularly among younger
generations who prioritize experiences over ownership. This cultural transformation is leading to a greater acceptance of
renting as a viable alternative to traditional purchasing. Online clothes renting platforms are likely to capitalize on this trend by
adopting innovative marketing strategies that emphasize the benefits of convenience, affordability, and variety. Moreover, the
emergence of subscription-based models could further broaden the appeal of these services, offering consumers curated
selections of clothing on a regular basis. Such models not only enhance user engagement but also promote a sense of novelty
and excitement around fashion consumption.
Fig: Pie chart showing global clothing rental market
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