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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Bridging the Gap Between Human Cognition
and AI Assistance: The Jarvies Paradigm
Riya Gujar , Sanket Paikrao , Prof. Poonam Kale , Prof. Anupam Chaube
1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
4 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT dream of the Jarvies Paradigm-transforming AI into an
This paper presents the so-called "Jarvies Paradigm," which empathic presence beside us. Instead of working separately,
is a conceptual framework for thinking about Human-AI AI would become a partner in solving problems and bringing
collaboration. The paradigm emphasizes, particularly in the innovation to the table, thus transforming the way
context of AI's influence on human cognition, that AI should challenges and opportunities are addressed.
be considered more than just a tool; an active partner in the
augmentation of thought processes, problem-solving In the final analysis, then, what Jarvies Paradigm seems to
capabilities, and decision-making. It considers salient offer is an entirely new vision about the future of AI and
developments in artificial intelligence and cognitive science human coexistence.
aimed at designing systems closer to human cognitive THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS
complexity. This article sketches these challenges-primarily Human cognitive behavior consists of a quite distinctive and
the divergence of human emotional, creative thinking from complex process, having numerous mental functions that
data-driven algorithms employed by AI. In filling this void, help us explore the world. Perception, memory, decision-
new approaches are proposed that create adaptive AI making, problem-solving, and so forth are certainly a few
systems capable of understanding human interaction, aspects of the cognitive processes that help humans interact
learning, and emotions with people. In an integrated future with their environment and make sense of complex
for increased efficiency, creativity along with meaningful situations and adapt to new challenges. Ever since artificial
outcomes-cognitive abilities of humans alongside AIs- intelligence (AI) was put out to its operation of being, it has
complementing rather than replacing human intelligence had a completely different mechanism, where mandatory
will play a vital role. algorithms, probability factors, and machine learning models
appear. A machine like this, though having substantial
INTRODUCTION power, would still lack the dimension of feeling, flexibility,
The world as we know it today stands as a society where and creativity noticed in human cognition.
artificial intelligence is necessarily everything we are For the purpose of bridging the gap between people from
engaging in, yet a wide gap between human thinking and similar lines of work (human cognition) and artificial
machine fashion. The roots of human cognition involve intelligence (AI), researchers need to get a deeper
emotions, experiences, and the complexity of patterns of understanding of the way humans think and the way AI
thought; AI, despite its sophistication, works on highly systems work. This is not any more about upskilling
bounded frameworks and algorithms. Consequently, machines or making machines even more effective. More so,
sometimes, it is very difficult for a human to harness all of it is about achieving a synergy where an AI system actually
the capacities of AI in a way that cultivates a natural feeling boosts human capabilities. For this, there are many other
or intuition. So how do we bridge this gap? How can the areas too wherein mid-term research has to be undertaken
benefits of human intelligence and the assistance of AI be for further development.
combined smoothly and effectively?
One of those vital areas is cognitive modeling, which mimics
This is where the Jarvies Paradigm makes its presence—a human thought processes in AI algorithms. Cognitive models
revolutionary program that would change the way human are designed to mirror the ways that humans study the
cognition and artificial intelligence interrelate. Jarvies world—about how experience makes us develop and make
Paradigm is not about achieving human-like cognition in AI; decisions. The challenge, in this aspect, would also be
it is about creating a compatible partnership between AI and understanding the complexity of human cognition, further
human intelligence. If an individual thought better about leading to systems that assist in virtually mimicking or
what drives humans, what decisions they make, or how they complementing the same in AI. For example, AI would be a
interact with the world, one could maybe design AI to help in close friend to humans if they smartened up about risk
a way more similar to a natural, intuitive, and meaningful assessments, choices, and recollections of the past—it would
experience for the person. be far more intuitive in supporting us with tasks ranging
Picture a world where AI no longer gave orders or even from the trivial, everyday ones to the complex problems.
made mere suggestions, but rather acted as a collaborator One other is Neuroscientific Insights, studying the human
with us by guiding thought, anticipating needs, and adapting brain and the latest findings in the field of brain science.
to human nuances of emotion and creative spirits. This is the
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