Page 572 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Applications and meaning model is a comprehensive blueprint for the creation of a
Jarvis's paradigm has the potential to change in industries genius system that reflects human needs deeply ...
and various sectors, making the interaction between humans The meaning of the Jarvis model extends beyond technology
and AI as an important application and the meaning of health
progress. Helps the correct diagnosis, personal drugs and
care, education and workplace.
disease surveillance that is effective in health care. It
Health care: destroys the obstacles to access to study, support, adjustable
Personalized care: AI systems can analyze patient data, and power to educators to deliver the target intervention.
genetic profiles, and medical history to deliver customized Automatic work, revolutionary work, workplace, workplace,
treatment plans. This allows for highly accurate diagnosis promotion, increased collaboration and facilitate the
and treatment strategies. strategy that is driven by data paving for the efficiency of the
organization that has never occurred before ... While
Virtual Health Assistant: A smart assistant can monitor a artificial intelligence continues to develop continuously,
patient's health in real time, provide medication reminders, hugging Jarvis models, ensuring that technology innovation
and provide recommendations for managing chronic is in line with social values and ethics. The priorities of
adaptation of safety and similarness. This model gives the
strengthening Telemedicine: Integration of AI can improve power and organizations to guide the complexity of the
virtual consultations by providing early diagnosis, digital world. In the end, the Jarvis model gathers the vision
summarizing patient information for doctors, automating of technology as Partner - Enhance human ability that
administrative tasks… humans AI and by hand to get excellent results. They work
by hand.
Predictive Healthcare:
AI models can predict potential health risks by analyzing Reference:
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Classroom analysis: Teacher can use IA to manage or learn Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 2(4), 230-243.
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Tao dice decision: With the analysis of large dice dresses, the Company.
iA system can reveal in -depth information and trends that
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Custom fare system: IA assistant can customize each fare
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
system. By understanding the preferences and priorities of Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10th & 11th June 2022, 2456-
users To guarantee the highest efficiency and effectiveness
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IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 562