Page 577 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             VII.   SYSTEM DESIGN                               comprehensive  reports  and  insights.  This  includes
                                                                generating  statistical  reports  on  patient  demographics,
                                                                resource utilization, financial performance, and other key
                                                                performance indicators. It enables administrators to monitor
                                                                the organization's performance, identify trends, and make
                                                                data-driven decisions.

                                                                System  Maintenance  and  Upgrades:  Administrators  are
                                                                responsible for system maintenance and ensuring its smooth
                                                                operation. This includes monitoring system performance,
                                                                handling  backups  and  data  recovery,  applying  software
                                                                updates  and  patches,  and  managing  system  integrations.
                                                                They are also responsible for coordinating with technical
                                                                support or vendor teams if any technical issues arise.

                                                                Security and Access Control: The admin module includes
             Hospital Management System is a web application for the
                                                                features for managing system security and access control.
             hospital which manages doctors and patients. In this project,
                                                                Administrators  can  define  user  roles,  permissions,  and
             we use PHP and MySQL database.
                                                                access  levels,  ensuring  that  sensitive  information  is
             The entire project mainly consists of 3 modules, which are   accessible only to authorized personnel. They can enforce
               Admin module                                    security  measures  such  as  password  policies,  user
               User module                                     authentication  mechanisms,  and  audit  trails  to  protect
               Doctor module                                   patient  data  and  maintain  compliance  with  data  privacy
             A.  Admin module:
             Admin can also change his/her own password. The admin   System  Audit  and  Logs:  The  admin  module  allows
             module in a hospital management system project serves as   administrators to review system logs and audit trails. This
             the administrative control center of the system, providing   helps in monitoring user activities, tracking system changes,
             functionality and tools for managing various aspects of the   and  investigating  any  security  breaches  or  unauthorized
             healthcare  organization.  It  is  typically  designed  for   access attempts. It enhances the overall system security and
             authorized personnel with administrative privileges, such as   facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements.
             hospital  administrators,  department  heads,  and  system   B.  User module (patient):
             administrators. The admin module encompasses several key   User can update his/her profile, change the password and
             features and responsibilities, including:
                                                                recover the password.
             User Management: The admin module allows administrators
                                                                Registration  and  Profile  Management:  The  User  module
             to create and manage user accounts within the system. This
                                                                allows  patients  to  register  themselves  in  the  system  by
             includes adding new users, assigning roles and permissions,
                                                                providing their personal information, contact details, and
             and  maintaining  user  profiles.  It  ensures  that  access  to
                                                                demographic  data.  Once  registered,  patients  can  manage
             different  functionalities  and  data  within  the  system  is
                                                                their  profiles,  update  information,  and  maintain  their
             controlled and managed effectively.
                                                                medical history within the system.
             System  Configuration:  Administrators  can  configure  and
                                                                Appointment Booking: Patients can use the system to book
             customize the settings of the hospital management system.
                                                                appointments with doctors or specific departments based on
             This  includes  setting  up  system  preferences,  defining
                                                                their  medical  needs.  The  module  offers  a  user-friendly
             organization-specific  parameters,  and  adjusting  system
                                                                interface  to  view  available  time  slots,  select  preferred
             behavior  according  to  the  organization's  needs.  It  allows
                                                                doctors  or  healthcare  professionals,  and  schedule
             administrators to tailor the system to match the workflows
                                                                appointments  accordingly.  Patients  can  also  receive
             and requirements of the healthcare organization.
                                                                appointment confirmation notifications.
             Master  Data  Management:  The  admin  module  enables   Access  to  Medical  Records:  The  User  module  provides
             administrators to manage the master data of the system.   patients  with  secure  access  to  their  medical  records,
             This includes maintaining information about departments,   including  diagnoses,  treatment  history,  laboratory  test
             wards, doctors, nurses, staff members, medical procedures,   results, prescriptions, and progress notes. It enables patients
             treatments, medications, and other relevant entities within   to review their healthcare information, track their medical
             the  organization.  It  ensures  that  the  system's  data  is   history, and better understand their treatment plans.
             accurate,  up-to-date,  and  reflects  the  organizational
             structure and resources.                           Communication and Messaging: Patients can communicate
                                                                with healthcare providers through the system's messaging
             Appointment and Schedule Management: Administrators can   feature. They can send inquiries, request prescription refills,
             oversee  and  manage  the  appointment  and  schedule   seek clarifications, or exchange messages related to their
             functionalities within the hospital management system. This   medical conditions. This functionality facilitates convenient
             includes managing doctors' schedules, allocating time slots   and secure communication between patients and healthcare
             for  patient  appointments,  handling  cancellations  or   professionals.
             rescheduling requests, and maintaining an overall view of
             the appointment calendar.                          Prescription  and  Medication  Management:  Patients  can
                                                                access  their  prescriptions  and  medication  information
             Reporting  and  Analytics:  The  admin  module  provides   through the system. They can view prescribed medications,
             reporting and analytics tools for administrators to generate
                                                                dosage  instructions,  and  any  necessary  precautions.  The
             IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies   Page 567
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