Page 578 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 578

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             module may also include features for requesting medication   can  create  progress  notes,  record  diagnoses,  document
             refills and tracking medication adherence.         treatment plans, and add relevant comments. The module
                                                                may support templates and predefined forms to streamline
             Online  Consultations  (Telemedicine):  If  the  hospital
             management system supports telemedicine capabilities, the
             User module allows patients to schedule and conduct virtual   Order  Management:  Doctors  can  generate  and  manage
             consultations with healthcare providers. Patients can have   various orders for diagnostic tests, laboratory investigations,
             video or audio consultations, share medical records or test   imaging  studies,  and  other  procedures.  They  can  place
             results, and receive remote medical advice or treatment.   orders,  view  order  statuses,  and  access  the  results  once
                                                                available.  This  helps  doctors  track  patient  progress  and
             Billing and Payment: Patients can view and manage their   make informed decisions based on test outcomes.
             billing  information  through  the  system.  This  includes
             accessing invoices, checking payment statuses, and making   Communication  and  Messaging:  The  module  facilitates
             online payments securely. The module may integrate with   communication  between  doctors  and  other  healthcare
             payment  gateways  to  facilitate  convenient  and  seamless   professionals  within  the  hospital  management  system.
             transactions.                                      Doctors can exchange secure messages, seek consultations,
                                                                discuss patient cases, and collaborate with the care team.
             Health Education and Resources: The User module may offer
             health education resources, including articles, videos, and   Decision Support:  The Doctor module may offer decision
             educational materials related to common medical conditions,   support tools, such as access to medical reference resources,
             preventive  measures,  and  healthy  lifestyle  choices.  It   clinical  guidelines,  drug  interaction  alerts,  and  allergy
             empowers  patients  with  information  to  make  informed   warnings. These tools assist doctors in making evidence-
             healthcare decisions and improve their overall well-being.   based decisions and ensuring patient safety.
             Feedback and Ratings: Patients can provide feedback and   Reporting  and  Analytics:  Doctors  can  access  reports  and
             ratings for healthcare services received through the system.   analytics  generated  by  the  hospital  management  system.
             This feedback helps in evaluating the quality of care and   This includes patient statistics, outcomes, quality measures,
             service  provided  by  healthcare  providers,  enabling   and performance indicators. The reports provide insights
             continuous improvement and patient satisfaction    into the doctor's practice, patient populations, and aid  in
                                                                clinical research or quality improvement initiatives.
             The User module (patient)  aims  to  enhance the patient's
             engagement, convenience, and access to healthcare services.   Referral Management: The module may include features for
             It  empowers  patients  to  actively  participate  in  their   managing  patient  referrals  to  other  specialists  or
             healthcare journey, access information, and interact with   departments within the healthcare organization. Doctors can
             healthcare  providers  efficiently.  By  leveraging  the   initiate  and  track  referrals,  view  referral  statuses,  and
             functionalities  offered  by  this  module,  patients  can   communicate with the referred healthcare professionals.
             experience improved communication, seamless appointment   VIII.
             management, and better access to their medical records and   FUTURE SCOPE
                                                                This application avoids the manual work and the problems
             healthcare resources.
                                                                concern with it. It is an easy way to obtain the information
             C.  Doctor module:                                 regarding the various travel services that are present in our
             The Doctor module in a hospital management system project   System.
             provides functionalities and tools specifically designed for
                                                                Well I and my team member have worked hard in order to
             healthcare professionals, including doctors, physicians, and
                                                                present an improved website better than the existing one’s
             specialists. The module aims to streamline and enhance their
                                                                regarding the information about the various activities. Still,
             clinical workflow and improve patient care. Here are the key
                                                                we found out that the project can be done in a better way.
             features and capabilities of the Doctor module:
                                                                Primarily,  In  this  system  patient  login  and  then  go  to
             Patient Management: The Doctor module allows doctors to   reception.  By  using  this  patient  will  send  request  for
             access and manage patient records. They can view patient   consulting the doctor. Reception will set the date for doctor
             demographics,  medical  history,  test  results,  diagnoses,   appointments. After that doctor see his appointments and
             treatment plans, and progress notes. This enables doctors to   see the patients, surgeries also done.
             have  a  comprehensive  overview  of  the  patient's  health
             information and make informed medical decisions.   The next enhancement is, we will develop online services.
                                                                That mean, if patient have any problems he can send his
             Appointment  Management:  Doctors  can  manage  their   problem to the doctor through internet from his home then
             appointment schedules and view upcoming appointments.   doctor will send reply to him. In this patients have some
             They  can  accept  or  reschedule  appointments  based  on   login name and password.
             availability.  The  module  may  also  include  features  for   IX.   LIMITATIONS
             sending appointment reminders to patients.
                                                                Cost:  Implementing  a  hospital  management  system  can
             E-Prescribing:  Doctors  can  electronically  prescribe   involve significant upfront costs, including software licenses,
             medications to patients through the system. They can enter   hardware  infrastructure,  customization,  training,  and
             prescription  details,  including  medication  name,  dosage,   ongoing maintenance expenses. The cost of implementing
             instructions, and any necessary precautions. E-prescribing   and maintaining the system can be a challenge for smaller
             improves accuracy, reduces medication errors, and enables   healthcare facilities or those with limited budgets.
             seamless integration with the pharmacy system.
                                                                Technical  complexity:  Hospital  management  systems  are
             Clinical Documentation: The Doctor module provides tools   often  complex  software  solutions  that  require  technical
             for doctors to document patient encounters efficiently. They   expertise   for   implementation,   customization,   and

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