Page 582 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 582
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Appointment Scheduling: The proposed system will enable Technical Feasibility: This involves evaluating whether the
efficient appointment scheduling, allowing patients to book proposed system can be developed or implemented using
appointments online or through other convenient channels. the available technology infrastructure, resources, and
It will include features like automated reminders, expertise. It assesses factors such as system scalability,
rescheduling, and real-time availability of healthcare integration with existing systems, and compatibility with
providers. hardware and software platforms.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR): The system will capture, Economic Feasibility: The economic feasibility study
store, and manage electronic medical records, including analyzes the financial implications of implementing the
diagnoses, treatments, prescriptions, test results, and hospital management system. It assesses the costs
progress notes. It will allow authorized healthcare associated with software development, hardware
professionals to access and update patient records in a infrastructure, licensing, training, maintenance, and ongoing
secure and efficient manner. support. Additionally, it considers the potential benefits and
return on investment (ROI) that the system can provide,
Billing and Invoicing: The proposed system will handle such as improved efficiency, cost savings, and revenue
billing and invoicing processes, generating accurate bills, generation.
tracking payments, and managing insurance claims. It will
integrate with financial systems to ensure accurate and Operational Feasibility: The operational feasibility study
timely financial transactions. focuses on evaluating whether the proposed system aligns
with the organization's operational processes, workflows,
Inventory Management: The system will include modules to and objectives. It assesses the impact of the system on daily
manage medical supplies, equipment, and pharmaceuticals. operations, staff workload, and user acceptance. It also
It will track inventory levels, generate purchase orders, considers factors such as the ease of implementation,
facilitate stock replenishment, and minimize wastage.
training requirements, and potential disruptions during the
Reporting and Analytics: The proposed system will provide transition.
comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities,
Schedule Feasibility: The schedule feasibility study
generating various reports on patient statistics, financial
determines the project's timeline and evaluates if the
performance, resource utilization, and other key proposed system can be implemented within the desired
performance indicators. It will allow hospital administrators timeframe. It considers factors such as project complexity,
to monitor and optimize operations.
resource availability, development and testing phases, and
Security and Access Controls: The system will incorporate potential dependencies or risks that could impact the project
security measures to protect patient data and ensure schedule.
compliance with privacy regulations. This includes user VI.
authentication, role-based access controls, data encryption, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
Define evaluation criteria: Clearly define the criteria against
audit trails, and regular security updates.
which you will evaluate the system. This may include factors
Integration with External Systems: The proposed system will such as functionality, usability, performance, scalability, data
facilitate integration with existing systems, such as security, user satisfaction, and alignment with project
laboratory information systems, radiology systems, and objectives.
pharmacy systems. This integration will allow for seamless Gather feedback from stakeholders: Collect feedback from
data exchange and interoperability between different
various stakeholders, including hospital administrators,
doctors, nurses, staff members, and patients. Conduct
User-Friendly Interface: The system will have a user-friendly surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand their
interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate. It will experiences, satisfaction levels, and any concerns or
prioritize usability, ensuring that healthcare professionals suggestions they may have regarding the system.
can quickly adapt to the system and perform their tasks Assess system performance: Evaluate the system's
performance based on predefined metrics and key
The proposed system aims to streamline workflows, performance indicators (KPIs). This may include analyzing
enhance patient care, optimize resource utilization, improve response times, system availability, data accuracy, error
financial management, and ensure regulatory compliance. It rates, and system stability. Compare the actual performance
will serve as a comprehensive tool to centralize and with the defined performance targets.
automate various administrative, operational, and clinical Review system functionalities: Assess the functionality and
processes within the hospital, ultimately improving the features of the system against the defined requirements and
overall efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
expectations. Evaluate how well the system supports the
V. FEASIBILITY STUDY hospital's operations and workflows. Identify any gaps or
The feasibility of the project is analysed in this phase and areas where the system falls short.
business proposal is put forth with a very general plan for
Analyse user adoption and satisfaction: Measure the level of
the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis
user adoption and acceptance of the system. Assess user
the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried
satisfaction through surveys or feedback mechanisms.
out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a
Identify any challenges or barriers that may hinder user
burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some
adoption and address them accordingly.
understanding of the major requirements for the system is
essential. Review data integrity and security: Evaluate the system's
data integrity and security measures. Assess if patient data is
properly protected, data access controls are in place, and
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 572