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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Innovative Approaches in Veterinary Medicine:
The Role of Data Management in Animal Registration and Care
Lalu Gaygaye , Vedant Kedar , Prof. Anupam Chaube
1,2 BCA, Department of Science and Technology,
G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
3 Department of Science and Technology,
G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT highlighting its importance in maintaining continuity of care
The era of medicine is transformative; drivers include while minimizing physical contact.
advances in technology, interdisciplinarity, and growing Personalised Medicine for Animals
attention to animal welfare and sustainability. Diagnostic, Now, areas once considered primarily human have found
therapeutic, and preventive strategies are being their way into veterinary medicine. Areas of genomics and
transformed with innovative approaches that include molecular biology have allowed veterinarians to make
precision medicine, telehealth, regenerative therapies, and treatment plans based on not just the genetic profile of an
artificial intelligence (AI). Precision medicine links genetic animal but the lifestyle and environment in which that
profiling with advanced diagnostic tools to tailor animal lives. For instance, genetic testing shows breed-
treatments toward individual animals in order to achieve
optimized outcomes while minimizing side effects. specific predispositions to certain diseases so that early
Telemedicine allows for remote consultations and intervention and preventive care can be taken.
monitoring, which improves access to veterinary care, Pharmacogenomics allows better optimization of drug
especially in underserved areas. selection and dosages, reducing adverse effects and
improving therapeutic outcomes.
INTRODUCTION Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
Sustainability is the placement of veterinary medicine at the Veterinary medicine is revolutionized by artificial
forefront of a transformative stage through the advancement intelligence in diagnostics and decision-making. Machine
of new approaches to diagnostics, treatment, and prevention learning algorithms analyze large datasets, which help in the
of disease. Veterinary medicine makes important inputs into early detection of diseases and predictive analytics. For
animal health and welfare, food safety, and human health example, AI-powered imaging tools interpret radiographs,
through contacts with human health and the environment. A ultrasounds, and CT scans with great accuracy. Wearable
rising world population adds ever more pressures to devices and sensors also monitor health in real time, so
veterinarians, not to mention climate change and zoonotic veterinarians can quickly detect abnormalities and adjust
emerging diseases. Now, the veterinary field has never care plans accordingly
needed innovation more. This paper reviews some of the
leading-edge innovations that will reshape veterinary Regenerative Therapies
practice-from precision medicine and telehealth to Veterinary medicine has evolved with artificial intelligence
regenerative therapies and AI. The utilization of genomic and in diagnosis and decision-making. Large datasets are
molecular tools enables precision medicine with better analyzed by machine learning algorithms, which can
interventions that have fewer adverse effects. Telehealth is eventually help in the early detection of diseases and
an emerging vital tool in reaching veterinary care to distant predictive analytics. For instance, imaging tools powered by
or underserved areas and enhancing continuity of care AI interpret radiographs, ultrasounds, and CT scans with a
through remote monitoring. Regenerative therapies, great degree of accuracy. The health is also monitored in
including stem cell treatments, are breaking new ground in real-time through wearable devices and sensors so that
veterinarians may quickly discern anomalies and change the
the treatment of degenerative conditions and injuries. AI and
machine learning transform diagnostics and decision-making course of care appropriately.
processes. Evolution Of Medicine in Veterinary Services
Ancient History
Innovative Approaches in Veterinary Medicine
Telemedicine for Veterinary services 1. Domestication Care
Telemedicine is an important part of veterinary care, as it Early humans began domesticating animals, leading to
enables veterinarians to conduct consultations remotely. rudimentary veterinary practices.
This method increases access to veterinary services for pet Basic care revolved around treating wounds, fractures,
owners in remote or underserved areas. Veterinarians can and diseases observed in livestock and working animals.
assess symptoms, recommend treatments, and provide
follow-up care through video conferencing, mobile 2. Ancient Civilizations
applications, and teleconsultation platforms. The COVID-19 Egyptians: Evidence from papyrus texts shows they
pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine, treated animals, especially cattle and horses, for various
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 96