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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
               Diseases and conditions are detected early in life, hence   Analytics  (ICAIBDA),  10   &  11   June  2022,  2456-
                better treatment results.                            3463,     Volume      7,     PP.     25-30,
             2.  Prevention of Disease Spread
               The spread of zoonotic diseases, such as those that can   [4]   Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
                be transmitted from animals to humans, is prevented by   “Revealing  and  Classification  of  Deepfakes  Videos
                veterinarians through vaccination and education.     Images  using  a  Customize  Convolution  Neural
                                                                     Network Model”, International Conference on Machine
               They  further help in controlling animal  diseases that   Learning and  Data Engineering (ICMLDE), 7   & 8
                may hit the agricultural field or human inhabitants.
                                                                     September 2022, 2636-2652, Volume 218, PP. 2636-
             3.  Enhanced Lifespan                                   2652,
               Routine veterinary care can increase the lifespan of pets   [5]   Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar (2023), “Unmasking
                by  addressing  health  concerns  before  they  become   Deep Fakes: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical
                serious problems.
                                                                     Considerations”,  4   International  Conference  on
               Preventative  care  and  proper  nutrition  support   Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), 19  &
                longevity.                                           20  August 2023, 978-981-99-8661-3, Volume 1115,
                                                                     PP. 249-262,
             4.  Pain Management and Treatment                       8661-3_19
               Veterinary professionals are trained to recognize signs
                of pain or distress in animals and provide appropriate   [6]   Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2021),
                treatments to alleviate suffering.                   “Deepfakes, a threat to society”, International Journal
                                                                     of  Scientific  Research  in  Science  and  Technology
               This ensures that animals live more comfortable and   (IJSRST), 13  October 2021, 2395-602X, Volume 9,
                happier lives.
                                                                     Issue        6,       PP.        1132-1140,
             5.  Reproductive Health                       
               Veterinarians  assist  in  managing  breeding,  including   [7]   Usha Kosarkar, Prachi Sasankar(2021), “ A study for
                providing  advice  on  fertility,  pregnancy,  and  post-
                                                                     Face  Recognition  using  techniques  PCA  and  KNN”,
                partum care.
                                                                     Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 2278-
               This is particularly important for livestock farmers to   0661, PP 2-5,
                ensure the continued health of herds or flocks.
                                                                [8]   Usha  Kosarkar,  Gopal  Sakarkar  (2024),  “Design  an
             Conclusion                                              efficient VARMA LSTM GRU model for identification of
             Innovation in veterinary medicine drives great changes not   deep-fake images via dynamic window-based spatio-
             only in animal health and well-being but also in the delivery   temporal analysis”, Journal of Multimedia Tools and
             of veterinary care, making it more effective and efficient. All   Applications,          1380-7501,
             these  changes-the  integration  of  artificial  intelligence,
             telemedicine, and genomics; novel therapies; and sustainable   [9]   Usha Kosarkar, Dipali Bhende, “Employing Artificial
             practices-are all transformations that can be done to change   Intelligence Techniques in Mental Health Diagnostic
             veterinary medicine.
                                                                     Expert  System”,  International  Journal  of  Computer
             References                                              Engineering   (IOSR-JCE),2278-0661,   PP-40-45,
             [1]   Stokes, J. E., & McGrath, S. "Advances in veterinary
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                  Technology, 2020.                            [10]   Usha  Kosarkar,  Gopal  Sakarkar  &  Mahesh  Naik,  “A
             [2]   Smith,  D.  A.,  &  Lawrie,  R.  (2021).  "Regenerative   Hybrid  Deep  Learning  Model  for  robust  deep  fake
                  medicine in veterinary applications: A new frontier in   detection”, 2  International Conference on Advanced
                  treating chronic diseases in animals.              Communications  and  Machine  Intelligence  (MICA
             [3]   Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
                  “An Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning   4_9
                  Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1  International
                  Conference  on  Artificial  Intelligence  and  Big  Data

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