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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
A Step Towards Safer Journeys: Developing a Women-Only Cab
Service with Comprehensive Tracking for Parent Notifications
Prishita Borkar , Karti Gaikwad , Prof. Anupam Chaube
1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT operated by female drivers. This unique model seeks to
Women’s safety during transportation is a critical concern create a secure environment where women can travel
in today's society, prompting the need for innovative without the fear often associated with traditional transport
solutions that address these challenges. This study options. By providing an all-female experience, these cabs
introduces an advanced women-only cab service equipped encourage more women to embrace independent mobility.
with parental notification systems and enhanced safety The concept of women-only cabs is rooted in the
features designed to ensure a secure travel experience for understanding that safety goes beyond mere physical
female passengers. The service operates exclusively with security; it encompasses emotional well-being and
female drivers, fostering an environment of trust and empowerment. Each ride becomes an opportunity for
comfort. Key safety features include real-time GPS tracking, women to reclaim their freedom of movement—an essential
emergency alert buttons, and a two-way communication aspect of gender equality. Furthermore, these services cater
system that connects the rider directly to both local specifically to the needs and preferences of female
authorities and designated emergency contacts. The passengers. From bespoke routes tailored around women's
parental notification system allows parents or guardians to lifestyles to features addressing unique concerns such as
receive real-time updates about their daughter’s ride status, child-friendly options or emergency support systems, every
including pick-up and drop-off times as well as route aspect is curated with a woman’s perspective in mind.
changes. This feature not only provides peace of mind but Research indicates that when women feel safe during transit,
also enables immediate action in case of any irregularities they are more likely to participate actively in social and
during the journey. By integrating technology into economic activities. This shift not only benefits individual
transportation services tailored for women, this initiative riders but also contributes positively to society at large by
aims to enhance personal security while encouraging fostering greater inclusion across various sectors. Despite
greater independence among female riders. Moreover, it initial skepticism regarding viability and sustainability,
seeks to contribute positively toward societal perceptions numerous successful case studies from cities around the
regarding women's mobility in public spaces by promoting world validate this approach. Cities like New Delhi and San
safe commuting practices. Francisco have seen significant uptake of women's taxi
services since their inception. Technology has played a
This paper explores user feedback on these safety
pivotal role in facilitating these initiatives through mobile
mechanisms through surveys and interviews conducted
applications designed expressly for booking women-only
with participants who have utilized the service. Initial
rides safely and conveniently. These apps leverage GPS
findings demonstrate increased levels of comfort and
tracking features along with robust user verification
reduced anxiety among users when utilizing this dedicated
processes which further enhance both security measures. As
mode of transportation compared to traditional options. we continue exploring innovative solutions for urban
Overall, the implementation of women’s safe cabs featuring
transportation challenges faced by women today—a
parental notifications represents a significant step forward
dedicated focus on creating safer commuting experiences
in addressing transport-related gender disparities while will undoubtedly pave the way toward building stronger
empowering women through improved mobility options
communities where all individuals can thrive without fear or
rooted firmly in their safety needs.
limitation. In conclusion, women's safe cab services
represent not just an alternative means of transport but
KEYWORDS: Includes real-time GPS tracking, emergency alert symbolize progress towards achieving gender equity within
buttons, and a two-way communication system. public spaces—a crucial step necessary for empowering
future generations toward realizing their full potential while
I. INTRODUCTION traveling confidently through society's bustling landscapes.
In recent years, the conversation surrounding women's II.
safety has gained significant momentum, particularly in RELATED WORK
The concept of a women-only cab service with
urban settings where transportation plays a crucial role in
comprehensive tracking for parent notifications is an
daily life. With increasing reports of harassment and violence
innovative approach to enhancing safety in transportation.
against women during travel, there is an urgent need for
Several related works in this area span different aspects such
transport solutions that prioritize their safety and comfort.
as women’s safety, transportation services, tracking systems,
Women-only cab services have emerged as a promising
response to this pressing issue, offering not just and parental involvement. Here's a summary of some
transportation but also peace of mind. These specialized cab relevant works and ideas related to the concept:
services are designed exclusively for female passengers,
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