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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             organization give users the ability to find and manage their   Literature Review of File Storage Systems’ background and
             files in seconds with no added time or effort.     research comparison against CloudFileHub-
             The traditional burdens of traditional storage solutions are     File Storage Systems : Scalability, Hardware dependance
             under review due to the rapid and exponential growth of   and security leaks
             data. Sustainability is one of CloudFileHub key values that
                                                                  Google Drive and there's Dropbox (among others), one
             they aspire / stick to by keeping their data centers electric
                                                                   from Microsoft that have gone a mile ahead with Cloud
             and running efficacy as well. Not only are users able to get
                                                                   technology in response of need for Immediacy of access
             the  best  technology  but  also,  they  are  developing  a
                                                                   + Security.
             contribution  to  a  sustainable  future  when  choosing
             CloudFileHub.                                      III.   INFRASTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION
                                                                The  goal  of  this  prototyping  project  was  to  design  and
             Another innovative feature of CloudFileHub in a different
             realm is Artificial Intelligence. With AI-powered Predictive   implement a growth validated and flexible elastic model of
             File  Organization,  Auto-Tagging,  and  Smart  Search,  the   distributed  storage  architecture  in  a  cloud  computing
             platform  gets  smarter  to  serve  user  experience  and   environment  with  the  help  of  available,  popular,  free  of
             productivity. These intelligent features automate this task,   charge and open-source tools. This architecture is a viable
                                                                solution that digital libraries can easily incorporate in order
             hence allowing users to be accountable while working with
                                                                to  overcome  economic  and  technical  obstacles  that  are
             their data.
                                                                encountered  when  constructing  a  cloud  computing
             It  is  not  surprising  that  CloudFileHub  deals  with  data   environment.
             redundancy and disaster recovery: it provides mirrored data   In order to achieve this objective, the architecture combines
             to allow it to always be ready for all users in an event of any   private and public clouds by provisioning a hybrid cloud
             data  loss,  or  anything  unexpected.  This  could  be  critical   environment. For this purpose, we sited KVM and XEN which
             reliability in businesses, which can ill afford to go down and   are necessary for the creation of virtual machines (VM).5 The
             have  data  lost  for  which  such  stresses  the  need  for   following products are also good, free of charge alternatives
             dedication from CloudFileHub for all-rounded storage.
                                                                for   the   management   of   cloud   environment:
             II.    LITERATURE REVIEW                           Open         Nebula        (,
             The literature review describes the history of file storage   Eucalyptus   (,   and
             systems and assesses CloudFileHub with other solutions:    OpenStack  (  We  chose  Open
             1.  Traditional File Storage Systems: Unscalable, hardware   Nebula for this prototype.
                constrained, and insecure.
                                                                Commodity hard drives have a pretty high failure rate which
             2.  Cloud Technology: Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive   was  our  primary  motivator  to  test  different  replication
                emerged to meet the demand for readily available and   mechanisms offering various degrees of data availability as
                reliable storage.                               well  as  fault  tolerance.  Figure  1(a)  outlines  the  major
                                                                components of our storage architecture core (the private
             CloudFileHub Features:                             cloud), while figure 1(b) depicts a distributed storage web
             1.  Sophisticated real-time collaboration tools.    application Dresoning Storage on the Cloud (DISOC) which
             2.  Strong encryption for data safety.             has  been  created  as  a  proof  of  concept.  Additionally,  the
             3.  User-oriented scalable storage.
                                                                private cloud has an interface to connect with  the  public
             Studies  indicate  that  the  cloud  users  will  require  more   cloud making it a hybrid environment.
             search technologies focused on user experience and security,
             which makes CloudFileHub a next-generation solution.

                                    Figure 1 Main Components of the Cloud Storage Architecture

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