Page 122 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 122
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
In the 1990s organizations started implementing centralized real-time from wherever there is an internet access cutting
file servers and Network attached storage (NAS) to address the need of physical location ( Patel 2020).
file sharing and access within their local networks for the These technologies have become possible through today's
first time. NAS made it possible for users to access shared
Cloud-based platforms where companies can solve file
storage remotely so they could manage data backup more management challenges by accessing CloudFileHub.
effectively than local storage. Fed and managed centralized
file servers offered locked down access, but required Cloud storage helps enterprises scale their storage capacity,
expensive hardware investments (Cullen, Knabe 2019). download files on-the-go and collaborate in real-time with
Although this the general area of the solutions, but the tools like version control with real-time sharing. Sensitive
systems were still not mobile and flexible and thus required data is protected through advanced security features, such as
users to access the files from a local facility (Walker 2019). encryption and multi factor authentication to keep it out
cyber attackers. From the least expensive of hosting options
Internet-based file management began to gain traction in the
(cloud-based solutions) to meet the budgets of all businesses
late '90s and into the 2000s, with the beginnings of cloud
(Davis & Wang 2021).
storage services such as Yahoo! Case briefcase and Xdrive
providing remote file access to users early on. This is where As a whole how file management developed from the
cloud-based file management solutions like Dropbox, Google physical to cloud systems illustrate the move towards
Drive and Amazon S3 came in, completely revolutionizing file adaptive, robust and adaptable services. As Platforms
storage over the web with scalable generalized remote evolving with CloudFileHub providing automation, security
storage environments that are cost effective. Cloud-based and collaboration to survive in current state of digital (Smith,
platform types assist users in keeping data and files alive in Brown & Doe 2023).
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III. FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY CloudFileHub contents security to a major degree that the
The CloudFileHub is an advanced software solution for storage comes with multi-tier defences against cyber-attacks.
business and individual cloud storage management in the The platform deploys advanced encryption standards (AES-
most precise way as possible nowadays. It comes with an 256) to secure files both in transit and at rest. CloudFileHub
abundance of capabilities that differentiate it from the provides multi factor authentication (MFA) access, linked to
established file management systems, as well as being a the latest controllers for security and in compliance
cloud-based competitor. The main features are: regulations on global data protection such as GDPR (Li &
Zhang, 2020).
CloudFileHub acts as a single central hub to manage every
possible file that user has online. It encourages users to build The scalable nature of CloudFileHub's cloud infrastructure
folders, group data together as they are uploading from allows business to scale their storage needs as well as their
multiple sources using user-friendly on all devices. Advanced data as the requirements go for future or past. This removes
search algorithms enable gently prodding the intuitive user the requirement of expensive hardware changes or data
interface to quickly operate, group and find files. migration tasks commonly associated with existing file
infrastructure solutions. Flexible pricing model of
What's one of the major benefits of CloudFileHub, and that is CloudFileHub will help to pay for no storage used by the user
the fact that it is remote runner. CloudFileHub makes it i.e. it is a cost-free solution for any size organization (Patel
possible to visit files through any device with internet 2020).
anywhere; hence, it suits the best fits for remote work and
global collaboration. Teams can simultaneously view, edit File level versioning available with CloudFileHub for users to
and share files in real-time so workers can be more retrieve PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF FILES which they can even
collaborative, without being constrained by physical go those back in the middle and then choose to restore them
proximity. by resetting the data AUTOMATIC BACKUPS Puppet Plays
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 112