Page 21 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
lack of harmonization complicates cross-border e- [2] United Nations Conference on Trade and
commerce and stifles innovation in financial technology. Development (UNCTAD) (2021). Digital Economy
Report 2021: Cross-border Data Flows and
Licensing and Compliance Costs: For small businesses
Development. Focuses on digital transformation, e-
and startups, the regulatory requirements for operating
commerce growth, and the regulatory environment
in the digital economy, such as obtaining licenses or
affecting financial inclusion.
adhering to strict compliance measures, can be
prohibitively expensive and complex. [3] International Finance Corporation (IFC) (2020).
Digital Financial Services: Opportunities for Emerging
Consumer Protection: Weak regulatory frameworks may Examines the impact of digital financial services on
fail to adequately address consumer rights, data privacy, economic development and barriers to financial
and fraud prevention. This lack of trust in the system can inclusion. Markets. Available at: UNCTAD Available at:
discourage users from adopting digital platforms.
Cross-Border Trade: Regulatory barriers often make it [4] GSMA (2022). State of Mobile Internet Connectivity
difficult for businesses to engage in cross-border e- Report 2022. Provides insights into mobile internet
commerce. Issues such as tariffs, differing customs rules, penetration, coverage gaps, and strategies to improve
and taxation policies create hurdles for small businesses rural connectivity. Available at: GSMA
that want to expand internationally.
[5] McKinsey & Company (2016). Digital Finance for All:
4.6. Solutions to Address Regulatory Barriers:
Powering Inclusive Growth in Emerging Economie
Simplify licensing and compliance processes,
Discusses the potential of digital finance to foster
particularly for small businesses and startups, to
financial inclusion and the challenges related to
encourage participation in the digital economy.
infrastructure and regulation. Available at: McKinsey
Harmonize e-commerce and digital finance regulations [6] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
across borders to enable smoother cross-border trade
“An Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning
and investment.
Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1st International
Strengthen consumer protection laws and build robust Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
frameworks for data privacy, fraud detection, and Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10th & 11th June 2022, 2456-
dispute resolution to foster trust in the system. 3463, Volume 7, PP. 25-30,
Foster dialogue between governments, industry players,
and international organizations to create a balanced [7] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
regulatory environment that supports innovation while “An Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning
ensuring fair practices. Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1 International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
5. Conclusion
Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10 & 11 June 2022, 2456-
In conclusion, addressing the key barriers of infrastructure,
3463, Volume 7, PP. 25-30,
digital literacy, and regulatory frameworks is essential for
maximizing the potential of e-commerce to advance financial
inclusion. Reliable internet access and mobile network [8] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
coverage are foundational for rural populations to “Revealing and Classification of Deepfakes Videos
participate in the digital economy, while investments in Images using a Customize Convolution Neural
community-driven digital literacy programs help individuals Network Model”, International Conference on Machine
navigate e-commerce platforms and financial services Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE), 7 & 8
effectively. Collaborative efforts between governments, September 2022, 2636-2652, Volume 218, PP. 2636-
private sectors, and development organizations can drive 2652,
infrastructure expansion and educational initiatives, [9]
ensuring that underserved communities are not left behind. Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar (2023), “Unmasking
Deep Fakes: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical
Equally important is the need for clear, harmonized Considerations”, 4 International Conference on
regulatory frameworks that balance innovation with Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE),19 &
consumer protection. Simplifying compliance for small 20 August 2023, 978-981-99-8661-3, Volume 1115,
businesses and strengthening cross-border trade regulations PP. 249-262,
enable broader participation in the global marketplace. 8661-3_19
When these challenges are tackled holistically, e-commerce [10]
can serve as a powerful catalyst for economic growth, Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2021),
“Deepfakes, a threat to society”, International Journal
improved livelihoods, and social equity, creating a more
of Scientific Research in Science and Technology
inclusive and connected world where everyone can access
(IJSRST), 13 October 2021, 2395-602X, Volume 9,
the benefits of the digital economy.
Issue 6, PP. 1132-1140,
[1] World Bank Group (2022). The Global Findex Database [11]
2021: Financial Inclusion, Digital Payments, and Usha Kosarkar, Prachi Sasankar(2021), “ A study for
Face Recognition using techniques PCA and KNN”,
Resilience in the Age of COVID-19. This report Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 2278-
highlights global trends in financial inclusion, digital 0661, PP 2-5,
payments, and how digital tools have impacted
underserved populations. Available at: World Bank
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 11