Page 23 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Digital Marketplaces: Transforming Agricultural
Supply Chains and Enhancing Farmer Profitability
Shrutika Shaniware , Ninad Dhawale , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
1,2 BCA, Department of Science and Technology,
3 Department of Science and Technology,
1, 2, 3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT studies and analyzing their benefits and challenges. While
The agricultural sector faces numerous challenges, these platforms offer numerous advantages, challenges such
including supply chain inefficiencies, price volatility, and as digital literacy, infrastructure limitations, and regulatory
the dominance of intermediaries, which often reduce concerns must also be addressed for their widespread
farmers' profits and inflate consumer prices. Digital adoption. By understanding the role of digital marketplaces,
marketplaces are emerging as transformative solutions by this study aims to provide insights into how technology can
directly connecting farmers with consumers, reducing drive agricultural transformation, promote sustainability,
dependency on traditional intermediaries, and ensuring and improve economic opportunities for farmers.
greater price transparency. This paper explores the role of
digital marketplaces in enhancing agricultural supply Literature Survey
chains, examining their impact on cost efficiency, The role of digital marketplaces in transforming agricultural
accessibility, and profitability for farmers. Through an supply chains has been widely studied, with researchers
analysis of successful platforms and case studies, we highlighting their impact on reducing inefficiencies,
enhancing transparency, and improving farmer profitability.
highlight how digital marketplaces empower farmers with
This section reviews relevant literature that explores various
real-time price information, streamline logistics, and create
aspects of digital marketplaces in agriculture, including
a more equitable agricultural ecosystem. Additionally, the
supply chain optimization, e-commerce models,
paper discusses potential challenges such as digital literacy,
technological adoption, and sustainability.
infrastructure limitations, and regulatory concerns. By
leveraging technology-driven innovations, digital 1. Digital Marketplaces and Agricultural Supply Chains
marketplaces have the potential to revolutionize Several studies have analyzed how digital marketplaces
agricultural trade, fostering sustainability and economic optimize agricultural supply chains by connecting farmers
growth in the sector. directly with consumers. A study on Tudouec, an e-
commerce platform in China, highlights how digital
KEYWORDS: Digital marketplaces, agricultural solutions streamline logistics, reduce supply chain costs, and
transformation, supply chain inefficiencies, price transparency, provide financial and technical support to farmers (Tudouec
intermediaries, direct farmer-to-consumer connections, Study, 2023). Similarly, research on agri-food industries in
logistics, cost efficiency, profitability, sustainability, economic Pakistan indicates that digitalization leads to improved
growth. supply chain integration, increased profitability, and
enhanced sustainability (Mdpi, 2023).
INTRODUCTION 2. Role of E-Commerce and Live-Streaming in
The agricultural sector is the backbone of many economies, Agricultural Trade
providing essential food and raw materials for industries. E-commerce and live-streaming platforms are also playing
However, traditional agricultural supply chains are often an increasing role in agricultural trade. Research on live-
plagued by inefficiencies, including multiple intermediaries, streaming e-commerce shows that these platforms provide
price volatility, and logistical challenges. These inefficiencies farmers with better market visibility, leading to higher sales
not only reduce farmers' profits but also increase costs for and reduced dependency on middlemen (NCBI, 2023). By
end consumers.
using live interactions, consumers can directly communicate
With the rise of digital marketplaces, technology is playing a with farmers, fostering trust and increasing transparency in
transformative role in reshaping agricultural supply chains. pricing and quality.
By directly connecting farmers with consumers, digital 3. Digital Traceability and Price Transparency
platforms enhance price transparency, streamline logistics, Blockchain and digital traceability have been explored as
and reduce the dependence on intermediaries. This results in critical components in improving transparency within
a more efficient and equitable agricultural ecosystem. Digital agricultural supply chains. Studies on digital traceability in
marketplaces leverage data analytics, artificial intelligence, OECD countries show that blockchain technology enhances
and mobile technology to provide farmers with real-time supply chain accountability by tracking agricultural products
price information, enabling them to make informed decisions from farm to consumer (ResearchGate, 2023). Other
and maximize their profits.
research on blockchain-based grain quality tracking
This paper explores the impact of digital marketplaces on demonstrates how distributed ledger technology ensures
agricultural supply chains, highlighting successful case food safety and reduces fraud (Arxiv, 2023).
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 13