Page 25 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
3. Data Analysis Techniques evident that digital platforms not only boost farmer
Quantitative Analysis: Statistical tools such as SPSS, profitability but also contribute to a more sustainable and
Excel, or Python will be used to analyze survey data, efficient agricultural ecosystem. However, challenges such as
pricing trends, and supply chain cost reductions. digital literacy, infrastructure constraints, and regulatory
Regression and correlation analysis will be applied to barriers must be addressed to maximize their impact.
identify the relationship between digital marketplace To ensure widespread adoption and effectiveness,
adoption and farmer profitability.
policymakers, agribusinesses, and technology providers
Qualitative Analysis: Thematic analysis will be must collaborate to develop user-friendly platforms, improve
conducted on interview responses to identify common rural internet connectivity, and provide training for farmers.
trends, challenges, and benefits experienced by users of Future research should focus on long-term sustainability,
digital marketplaces. SWOT analysis (Strengths, technological advancements, and the socio-economic
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) will be used to impacts of digital marketplaces in agriculture.
evaluate the sustainability of digital marketplace
By embracing digital transformation, the agricultural sector
can achieve greater efficiency, equity, and sustainability,
ultimately fostering economic growth and food security on a
global scale.
[1] Li, J., Yan, X., Li, Y., & Dong, X. (2023). Optimizing the
Agricultural Supply Chain through E-Commerce: A
Case Study of Tudouec in Inner Mongolia, China.
International journal of environmental research and
public health, 20(5), 3775.
[2] Dong, Y., Ahmad, S. F., Irshad, M., Al-Razgan, M., Ali, Y.
A., & Awwad, E. M. (2023). The Digitalization
Paradigm: Impacts on Agri-Food Supply Chain
Profitability and Sustainability. Sustainability, 15(21),
[3] Ma, E., Liu, J., & Li, K. (2023). Exploring the mechanism
of live streaming e-commerce anchors' language
4. Validation and Reliability appeals on users' purchase intention. Frontiers in
Pilot testing of surveys will be conducted to ensure clarity psychology, 14, 1109092.
and relevance. Cross-verification of findings through
triangulation (comparing survey responses with case study [4]
data and secondary reports) to enhance reliability. Ethical Panigrahi, R. R., Singh, N. and Muduli, K. (2024),
considerations, including informed consent for participants, "Digital technologies and food supply chain: a scoping
will be strictly followed. view from 2010 to 2024", International Journal of
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
I sincerely express my gratitude to Prof. Shweta Wase and
Prof. Poonam Kale for their invaluable guidance and [5]
support in completing my E-Commerce for agriculture Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
project. I also extend my thanks to Prof. Anupam Chaube, “An Analytical Perspective on Various Deep Learning
Head of the Computer Department, for their insightful Techniques for Deepfake Detection”, 1 International
advice and encouragement. Additionally, I appreciate the Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
cooperation and assistance of all faculty members and non- Analytics (ICAIBDA), 10 & 11 June 2022, 2456-
teaching staff of the Science and Technology Department, 3463, Volume 7, PP. 25-30,
whose support played a crucial role in the completion of this
project. Their collective efforts and guidance have been [6] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar, Shilpa Gedam (2022),
instrumental in making this endeavor successful. “Revealing and Classification of Deepfakes Videos
Images using a Customize Convolution Neural
Network Model”, International Conference on Machine
The transformation of agricultural supply chains through
Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE), 7 & 8
digital marketplaces has the potential to address long-
September 2022, 2636-2652, Volume 218, PP. 2636-
standing inefficiencies such as excessive intermediaries,
price opacity, and logistical barriers. By directly connecting
farmers with consumers, these platforms enhance price [7] Usha Kosarkar, Gopal Sakarkar (2023), “Unmasking
transparency, improve market access, and reduce overall Deep Fakes: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical
costs, ultimately benefiting both producers and consumers. Considerations”, 4 International Conference on
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE),19 &
This research highlights the significant role of digital
20 August 2023, 978-981-99-8661-3, Volume 1115,
marketplaces in optimizing agricultural supply chains by
PP. 249-262,
leveraging technology such as AI, blockchain, and data
analytics. Through case studies and empirical analysis, it is
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 15