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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                   Machine Learning-Based Crop Recommendation System
                       Using K-Means Clustering for Precision Agriculture

                                Yash Kushwaha , Damini Thakare , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                          1,2 BCA, Department of Science and Technology,
                                            3 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1, 2, 3  G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           pH,  and  soil  type  to  offer  real-time  recommendations  to
             Utilizing Machine Learning and Clustering Techniques for   farmers. The goal of implementing this model is to improve
             Crop Recommendation Food security worldwide heavily   agricultural  decision-making,  boost  crop  yields,  and
             depends  on  agriculture;  however,  farmers  often  face   encourage sustainable farming practices. While this study
             challenges in selecting the most appropriate crops for their   primarily focuses on the Indian agricultural sector, it has the
             fields  due  to  diverse  soil  characteristics,  weather   potential  for  application  in  other  regions  with  similar
             conditions,  and  precipitation  levels.  This  research   environmental conditions. The system is designed to be user-
             introduces  a  Crop  Recommendation  System  based  on   friendly,  enabling  individuals  to  input  their  regional
             Machine  Learning,  employing  K-Means  Clustering,  an   characteristics and receive dynamic crop recommendations,
             unsupervised  learning  method,  to  categorize  areas   thereby making farming more efficient and data-driven.
             according to temperature, rainfall, soil pH, and soil type.
             The  system  analyzed  historical  farming  data  to  group   Literature Review
             similar regions and propose ideal crops for cultivation. The   Paper  1:-  Summary  of  Notable  Research  Crop
                                                                Recommendation System (Ruchirawya et al., 2020) Employs
             model was developed using a dataset comprising soil and
                                                                machine learning techniques to suggest suitable crops by
             climate  information  from  various  geographic  locations.
                                                                considering environmental conditions such as temperature,
             Users can access a web-based interface to input their local
                                                                humidity, pH, and rainfall, to provide user-friendly decision
             parameters and receive dynamic predictions for optimal
             crops. The findings demonstrated that clustering offers a
             robust solution for precision farming, enabling data-driven   Paper   2:-   Risk-Averse   Stochastic   Optimization
             crop selection. This system is designed to assist farmers in   (Akhavizadegan  et  al.,  2022)  Creates  optimization
             making  well-informed  decisions,  potentially  leading  to   frameworks that account for uncertainty, combining crop
             enhanced agricultural output and long-term sustainability.   models  with  Bayesian  algorithms  to  improve  farm

                                                                management strategies.
             KEYWORDS: Machine Learning, Crop Recommendation, K-
             Means Clustering, Precision Agriculture, Soil Analysis   Paper 3:- Nutrient Application Timeline (Ikhlaq & Kechadi,
                                                                2023) Introduces a predictive model for scheduling fertilizer
                                                                applications  using  extensive  datasets,  focusing  on  the
             INTRODUCTION                                       importance of timely nutrient management.
             Agriculture is crucial for global food security and economic
             stability, but farmers struggle to select the best crops based   Paper  4:-  Pre-Clustering  Point  Clouds  (Nelson  &
             on environmental and soil conditions. Traditional methods of   Papanikolopoulos)  Presents  algorithms  for  dividing  crop
             crop selection often rely on personal experience or expert   fields into segments, enhancing the scalability of agricultural
             advice, which may not always yield optimal results. Factors   robotics and machine learning applications.
             such as soil composition, pH levels, temperature, and rainfall
             significantly  affect  crop  productivity.  Selecting  an   Paper  5:-  E-commerce  Analysis  (Hua  Tian)  Examines
             inappropriate  crop  can  lead  to  reduced  yields,  financial   consumer behaviour in rural e-commerce settings, which is
             setbacks, and inefficient use of resources. Machine learning   relevant for comprehending market dynamics in agricultural
             has recently emerged as a powerful tool for tackling complex   product sales.
             agricultural  challenges  by  analyzing  large  datasets,   Paper 6:- OCA for E-Commerce Recommendations (Gulzar et
             identifying   patterns,   and   providing   data-driven   al.)  Offers  a  clustering  approach  to  tackle  cold-start
             recommendations. Unlike conventional farming approaches,   problems, applicable to addressing data scarcity issues in
             machine learning techniques can process vast amounts of   crop recommendations.
             information  and  generate  accurate  predictions,  thus
             minimizing  uncertainties  in  crop  selection.  By  leveraging   Paper 7:- Machine Learning-Based Crop Recommendation
                                                                (Kaur  et  al.)  Investigates  various  ML  algorithms  (SVM,
             these  capabilities,  farmers  can  make  more  informed
             decisions that increase productivity and promote sustainable   decision  trees)  for  precise  crop  recommendations,
             practices. This research aims to develop a machine learning-  underscoring the potential of ML in agriculture.
             based  crop  recommendation  system  using  K-Means   Findings:-  Multiple  algorithms  are  utilized  to  examine
             Clustering, an unsupervised learning algorithm, to classify   environmental conditions for crop recommendations. Data
             regions based on their environmental conditions and suggest   Utilization: Focus on extensive datasets encompassing soil
             the  most  suitable  crops.  The  system  will  consider  key   and  climate  information;  integration  of  real-time  data  is
             agricultural parameters such as temperature, rainfall, soil   essential. Optimization Under  Uncertainty: Acknowledges

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