Page 31 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Integrating Smart Technologies in
Veterinary Practices for Improved Animal Care
Mohommad Sahil Sheikh , Harshal Behniya , Prof. Poonam Kale ,
Prof. Shweta Wase , Prof. Anupam Chaube
1,2,3,4,5 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3,4 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
5 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT veterinary business has been slow to embrace those
The veterinary industry faces the growing need to manage developments, relying heavily on antiquated, manual
large and diverse sets of data from medical history to processes. However, these time-tested means tend to be less
diagnostic imaging, treatment plans and ongoing patient effective at handling the increasing demands of
monitoring. Old data management methods struggle to keep contemporary veterinary practices. Paper-based health
pace with a fast-evolving dynamic in modern veterinary records, manual appointment scheduling systems, and the
practices, leading to inefficiencies, misdiagnosis and need for physical diagnostic work-up with little help from
adverse care outcomes. Here we examine the power of technology negatively affect operational efficiency and the
digital data management solutions for peeling back the quality of care provided to animals.
layers on these challenges and provide a pragmatic
The increasing adoption of pets worldwide, along with a
platform for optimizing veterinary service delivery with
rising consciousness about animal welfare, has further
modern solutions. These solutions utilize cloud-based
driven the demand for innovative solutions in veterinary
storage, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and artificial
services. Today’s pet owners expect their animals to receive
intelligence (AI)-driven analytics to facilitate real-time
timely, accurate and transparent health care, similar to what
monitoring, secure and centralized data storage, predictive
is delivered to human patients. Similar trends can also be
diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. AI technology
seen in the livestock and agricultural industries, where
in agriculture is making a significant impact by integrating
effective animal husbandry translates to productivity and
IoT devices that track health metrics of animals, which can
economic gains. As a result, the veterinary sector requires an
be used to analyze and predict diseases, as well as provide
urgent solution in the form of more robust, scalable, and
suggestions on prevention measures. Moreover, cloud
efficient data management systems capable of meeting the
computing provides for data access and sharing for
growing trends in the industry.
veterinarians, pet owners and other stakeholders,
enhancing collaboration and decision making. Pilot studies In particular, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, artificial
have shown marked increases in diagnostic accuracy, intelligence (AI) and cloud-based platforms have vast
treatment efficiencies, and patient outcomes. Clinics using potential to address some of the major gaps in service
such systems reported 30% increased workflow efficiency, delivery in the veterinary space. Wearables, sensors, and GPS
and higher client satisfaction, due to the accessibility and used in IoT can preemptively keep track of an animal's
transparency of health data. Although having to initially health in real-time, recording data like heart rate, activity
deal with high implementation costs and any necessary levels, and even body temperature. When analyzed using AI-
staff training to transition to these practices, the long-term powered algorithms, this data has the potential to offer
benefits of improved clinical outcomes and streamlined veterinarians predictive insights, leading to the early
operations make these systems invaluable for the future of detection of diseases and preventive actions. Cloud
veterinary care. Most veterinary practices can come complementary computing strengthens these systems
through this period stronger than before, armed with digital through safe id storage of medical records in one place and
data management solutions that allow them to not only an irritate transfer of information between stakeholders —
address the challenges posed by recent changes in pet veterinarians, pet owners and specialists.
ownership and care, but to offer new ways to increase
preventive care and disease management. In conclusion, In addition to that, these technologies can help make
this paper highlights a transformative role technology can veterinary practice more efficient by automating some of the
play in enhancing the practice of veterinary services, bureaucratic tasks in the clinics and thus allocates more
resulting in greater veterinary health. resources to the animals. They create new opportunities for
research by allowing for the collection of large datasets that
KEYWORDS: Veterinary care, digital data management, cloud can be analyzed to inform better practices, identify emerging
health trends, and provide the basis for the development of
computing, IoT, AI in veterinary medicine
novel treatment approaches.
I. INTRODUCTION This paper discusses how certain areas of veterinary
From finance to education to human healthcare, most sectors medicine can benefit from these types of digital systems,
have been transformed so far by advancements in digital potentially minimizing inefficiencies and optimizing outcome
technology that have brought speed, accuracy, and documentation. Whether in the form of improved record-
innovation never seen before. At the same time, the keeping or real-time monitoring of patients, or predictive
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