Page 33 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
               User Engagement: Real-time  information on significant   an operational model is proposed, focusing on overcoming
                health activities and reminders about vaccinations and   the significant voids in veterinary services. The objective of
                future appointments.                            this model is  to organize the collection, analysis, and use of
                                                                animal  health  data  in  order  to  improve  diagnostics,
               Views that can be customized: Filters data that is specific
                                                                treatment planning, and proactive care.
                to users and  the data to be prioritized
                                                                A.  Overview of the Research Model
             E.  Data Preprocessing and Security                It integrates several interlocking components, making it a
             Before  analyzing  data,  preprocessing  steps  are  taken  to   closely unified system for the surveillance and management
             ascertain its accuracy and quality:
                                                                of  animal health. It is also built to accommodate different
             1.  Data Cleaning: Adjusts missing values, duplicates and   species, adjust to different clinical scales and enable real-
                exceptions  appearing in dataset.               time  decision-making. The  proposed system contains major
                                                                modules as follows:
             2.  Normalization:  To  make  data  from  various  devices
                consistent.                                     1.  IoT-Based Data Collection
             3.  Encryption: The service encrypts all  data in transit and   2.  Cloud-Enabled EMR Management
                at rest, ensuring that it cannot be accessed by anyone   3.  Predictive  Care with AI-Powered Analytics
                who shouldn't have it
                                                                4.  Decisions Support as a User Friendly  Interface
             F.  Workflow Overview
             an overview of the system workflow  is presenting in detail   All  modules  work  independently  of  each  other  but  are
             the interaction of key components:                 interlinked to function together in coordination.
             1.  IoT devices collect data, enter manually where  required.   B.  IoT-Based Data Collection
                                                                Wearable  collars,  sensors,  and  implantable  chips  are
             2.  After  preproccessing  the  data  is  uploaded  to  the   examples  of  IoT  devices  that  capture  real-time  health
                secured cloud.
                                                                metrics  from  animals.  A  few  of  the  main  features  of  this
             3.  To  produce  insights  and  predictions,  the  data  is   module  are:
                analyzed by AI models.
                                                                  Monitoring vital parameters such as heart rate, body
             4.  A  dashboard displays the results for decisions you can   temperature, and respiratory rate.
                                                                  Monitoring  trends  in  behaviour  including  levels  of
             G.  Key Objectives of the Proposed System             activity, food intake and sleep pattern.
             The system aims to achieve several objectives, including:
                                                                  Monitoring environmental  variables (such as humidity,
               Better Diagnostic Precision:  analyzing data to improve   temperature) that could affect livestock wellbeing.
                disease detection.
                                                                Secure wireless protocols enable these devices to send  data
               Preventive Care: Moving from  reactive treatments to   to  the  cloud,  and  by  doing  so,  they  make  up-to-date
                proactive solutions.                            information available at all times.
               Operational  Efficiency:  Lessening  the  volume  of   C.  Cloud-Enabled EMR Management
                administrative tasks veterinary  staff must face through   A cloud-based centralized electronic medical records  (EMR)
                automation of routine duties.                   system is the backbone of the model of research. Some key
                                                                features  of the EMR system include but not limited to:
               Improved Collaboration: Streamlining communication
                between veterinarians, pet owners and  other involved   1.  Data  Aggregation:  Combines  data  from  IoT  devices,
                parties                                            diagnostic  tests,  and  manual  entries  into  single
             H.  Anticipated Benefits
             Expected outcome from implementing presence of  platform:   2.  Access:  Allows  veterinarians,  pet  owners,  and
                                                                   specialists  to  view  data  from  anywhere  and  ensures
             1.  Decreased  morbidity  and  mortality  rates  via  early
                                                                   continuity of care.
                disease detection
                                                                3.  Data Security: It has encryption and role-based access
             2.  Increased  efficiency  for  clinical  workflows,  enabling   controls to safeguard sensitive  data.
                veterinarians to spend more  time on direct care.
                                                                As  an  EMR  enables  weeding  out  of  data,  it  is  also  the
             3.  Better  health  data  transparency  and  accessibility
                                                                precursor for newer form of  analytics to take place.
                enhancing pet  owner satisfaction
                                                                D.  AI-Powered Analytics for Predictive Care
             4.  Implemented experience sharing  for researchers using
                                                                Once the  data has been gathered, AI algorithms interpret the
                the data.
                                                                data  to  provide  actionable  insights.  There  are  several
             In  essence,  this  proposed  system  is  a  promising   components in the module  for analytics:
             advancement in the incorporation of digital  technology into   1.  Predicting  Disease:  Early  prediction  of  diseases  like
             veterinary medicine, responding to the pressing demand for   infections,  metabolic  disorders  and  behavioural
             innovation in this sector.
                                                                   disorders etc.
             By applying IoT through cloud computing integrated with AI-  2.  Health Risk Assessment: Identifies patterns and trends
                                                                   within the data that may  suggest health risks.
             based analytics accessible through a user-friendly interface,

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