Page 32 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             analytics,  these  innovations  are  a  paradigm  shift  in  the   generation to extracting the actionable insights by analyzing
             delivery  of  veterinary  services.  These  technological   it the proper way.
             integrations  are  not  only  an  opportunity  for  improved   The methodology of the proposed system is divided into the
             workflow efficiencies and better outcomes for patients, they
                                                                following key stages:
             also set the stage for a more  connected, transparent, and   A.  Data Collection through IoT Integration
             responsive veterinary ecosystem.
                                                                Proposed system is heavily reliant on  the use of IoT devices
             II.    RELATED WORK                                for  data  collection.  Wearable  sensors  and  implantable
             This work will  develop a crosscutting digital tool platform   devices are used  to track numerous physiological metrics of
             for veterinary application. With the seamless integration of   animals, including:
             Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  devices,  cloud-based  electronic   1.  Vital Signs: Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate,
             medical records (EMRs), artificial intelligence (AI) analytics,   and blood oxygen levels.
             and an easy-to-use interface, this platform transforms the   2.  Activity  Metrics:  Movement,  sleep  patterns,  and
             way we provide animal care. Operation  Workflow of the   energetic output data.
             Evolutionary Pipeline with Data-Centric Approach1 depicts   3.  Environmental  Parameters:  Ambient  temperature,
             an overview of the pipeline that takes the process from data   humidity, and location based tracking for livestock.

             These devices stream real-time data to the cloud, allowing   C.  AI-Powered Analytics for Predictive Insights
             veterinarians  to remotely  monitor an animal’s  condition.   It utilizes advanced AI algorithms to process  and analyze the
             This  early  detection  of  deviations  from  normal  health   data collected. The key  functionalities cover:
             patterns  enables  interventions  before  the  disease  has  a   1.  Disease Prediction: Machine learning models sensitive
             chance to progress further.
                                                                   to large datasets can predict the probability of diagnosis
             B.  Cloud-Based EMR Management                        with several types of infectious, metabolic, and chronic
             Being  a  system,  it  relies  upon  a  cloud-based  electronic   diseases.
             medical records (EMR) platform at its heart which ensures
                                                                2.  Health Threat Alerts: Algorithms detect patterns that
             that all animal health data are  stored and made accessible in
                                                                   indicate  a  risk  of  going  for  health  injury,  generating
             a centralized and secure manner. Here are the main features
                                                                   health threat alerts for taking action in real-time.
             of  EMR system:
                                                                3.  Treatment  Personalization:  Insights  driven  by  AI
               Data   Aggregation:   Combines   IoT  device   data,
                medication diagnostics, and manual input into a single   recommend  the most effective treatment  plans using
                database.                                          historical data and evidence-based practices.
                                                                4.  Behavioural Analysis: AI analyzes behavioural  data for
               Role-Based  Access  Control:  Provides  privacy  and   early  signs  of  stress,  anxiety,  or  other  psychological
                security  by only allowing access to users based on their
                roles, (veterinarians, pet owners, or researchers).   conditions in animals.
                                                                D.  User-Friendly Dashboard for Decision Support
               Real-Time  Updates:  Allows  records  to  be  updated   The  platform's  user  interface  is  intuitive  for  a  variety  of
                instantly, like vaccination schedules, treatment plans,
                                                                users,  from  technical  veterinarians  to  pet  owners.  The
                and diagnostic results.
                                                                dashboard provides:
               Interoperability:  Also  integrates  with  telemedicine
                platforms and  allows for smooth exchange of data with     Intuitive  Visualizations: Graphical representations for
                                                                   easy analysis of health data like charts, timelines etc.
                external diagnostic laboratories.

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