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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

              Revolutionizing Healthcare Accessibility: The Dochub Solution

                 Mohit Bodhe , Ayash Ramteke , Prof. Shubhra Chinchmalatpure , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
                                           1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1,2,3 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          4 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           system aid in budgeting, cost analysis, and financial decision-
             Hospital Management System is an organized computerized   making.
             system designed and programmed to deal with day-to-day
                                                                Inventory  Management:  Many  HMS  include  inventory
             operations  and  management  of  hospital  activities.  The
                                                                management  modules  that  track  and  manage  medical
             program  can  look  after  inpatients,  outpatients,  records,
                                                                supplies,  equipment,  and  pharmaceuticals.  This  helps  in
             database treatments, status illness, billings in the pharmacy,
                                                                maintaining optimum stock levels, preventing shortages, and
             and  labs.  It  also  maintains  hospital  information  such  as
                                                                reducing wastage. Effective inventory management ensures
             ward id, doctors in charge, and department administering.
                                                                that necessary items are available when needed, thereby
             The major problem for the patient nowadays is to get the
                                                                supporting efficient healthcare delivery.
             report after consultation, many hospitals managing reports
             in their system but it's not available to the patient when   Decision  Support  and  Analytics:  Hospital  management
             he/she is outside. In this project, we are going to provide   systems  provide  data  analysis  and  reporting  capabilities,
             the extra facility to store the report in the database and   enabling  hospitals to extract  valuable  insights from their
             make it available from anywhere in the world.      data.  This  helps  in  identifying  trends,  monitoring  key

                                                                performance indicators, and making informed decisions for
             KEYWORDS: healthcare, quality, efficiency, automation   process  optimization,  resource  allocation,  and  quality
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                Compliance  and  Security:  HMS  ensures  compliance  with
             A hospital management system (HMS) is a software solution   healthcare regulations and data security standards. It helps
             that helps healthcare organizations and hospitals manage   in  maintaining  patient  privacy,  implementing  access
             and streamline their various administrative, financial, and   controls,  and  auditing  system  activities  to  prevent
             operational tasks. It is designed to centralize and automate   unauthorized access and data breaches.
             processes,  allowing  healthcare  providers  to  efficiently
             manage patient information, appointments, medical records,   In  summary,  a  hospital  management  system  is  a
             billing, inventory, and more.                      comprehensive software solution that assists hospitals in
                                                                managing  their  administrative,  financial,  and  operational
             The  main  reasons  why  hospitals  use  management   tasks.  It  improves  efficiency,  enhances  patient  care,
             systems are:                                       facilitates accurate billing, optimizes inventory management,
             Efficient Workflow: HMS automates routine administrative   enables  data-driven  decision-making,  and  ensures
             tasks such as appointment scheduling, patient registration,   compliance with regulations and security standards.
             and  record-keeping.  By  reducing  manual  paperwork  and
             streamlining  processes,  it  improves  overall  workflow   II.   PRESENT SYSTEM IN USE
             efficiency  and  enables  healthcare  professionals  to  focus   Database  Management  System:  A  robust  database
             more on patient care.                              management system is essential for storing and managing
                                                                patient information, medical records, inventory data, billing
             Information Management: HMS stores and manages patient   details, and other relevant data. Popular database systems
             records,  including  medical  history,  treatment  plans,   include MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
             prescriptions, and test results. It provides a centralized and
             secure  repository  for  healthcare  data,  making  it  easily   User Interface: A user-friendly interface allows healthcare
             accessible  Patient  to  authorized  personnel.  This  helps  in   professionals to interact with the system easily. It should
             quick decision-making, accurate diagnosis, and personalized   provide intuitive navigation, clear displays of information,
             patient care.                                      and easy access to functionalities. User interface frameworks
                                                                like  AngularJS,  React,  or  Bootstrap  can  be  employed  for
             Appointment Scheduling: HMS allows hospitals to efficiently
                                                                developing responsive and user-friendly interfaces.
             manage   appointments,   including   online   booking,
             rescheduling, and reminders. It helps reduce waiting times,   Patient Management Module: This module handles patient
             optimize  resource  allocation,  and  improve  the  patient   registration,  demographic  details,  medical  history,  and
             experience.                                        appointment scheduling. It enables healthcare providers to
                                                                efficiently  manage  patient  information  and  track  their
             Billing  and  Financial  Management:  Hospital  management   interactions with the hospital.
             systems streamline billing processes, including insurance
             claims, invoicing, and payment tracking. It ensures accurate   Appointment Scheduling System: A scheduling system helps
             and timely billing,  reduces errors, and improves revenue   in  managing  appointments,  facilitating  online  booking,
             cycle  management.  Financial  reports  generated  by  the   rescheduling, and sending automated reminders to patients.

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