Page 500 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 500
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Analyse system impact: Assess the impact of the hospital A. Admin module:
management system on various aspects of the hospital's Admin can also change his/her own password. The admin
operations. Consider factors such as efficiency module in a hospital management system project serves as
improvements, cost savings, reduction in errors, streamlined the administrative control center of the system, providing
workflows, and improved patient care. Compare the before- functionality and tools for managing various aspects of the
and-after scenarios to determine the system's overall impact. healthcare organization. It is typically designed for
authorized personnel with administrative privileges, such as
Identify areas for improvement: Based on the evaluation
hospital administrators, department heads, and system
findings, identify areas where the system can be improved or
administrators. The admin module encompasses several key
optimized. This may involve addressing user concerns,
features and responsibilities, including:
enhancing functionality, improving system performance, or
refining processes. Prioritize the identified improvements User Management: The admin module allows administrators
based on their impact and feasibility. to create and manage user accounts within the system. This
includes adding new users, assigning roles and permissions,
Implement improvement measures: Develop an action plan and maintaining user profiles. It ensures that access to
to implement the identified improvements. Assign different functionalities and data within the system is
responsibilities and allocate resources accordingly.
controlled and managed effectively.
Implement necessary changes, updates, or enhancements to
address the identified areas for improvement. System Configuration: Administrators can configure and
customize the settings of the hospital management system.
Monitor and reassess: Continuously monitor the system's This includes setting up system preferences, defining
performance and reassess its effectiveness over time. Track organization-specific parameters, and adjusting system
key metrics and KPIs to ensure the system continues to meet behavior according to the organization's needs. It allows
the evolving needs of the hospital. Gather regular feedback administrators to tailor the system to match the workflows
from stakeholders to identify new areas for improvement.
and requirements of the healthcare organization.
Master Data Management: The admin module enables
The package was designed in such a way that future
administrators to manage the master data of the system.
modifications can be done easily.The following conclusion This includes maintaining information about departments,
can be deduced from the development of the project.
wards, doctors, nurses, staff members, medical procedures,
Automation of the entire system improves the efficiency treatments, medications, and other relevant entities within
the organization. It ensures that the system's data is
It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves accurate, up-to-date, and reflects the organizational
to be better when compared to the existing system.
structure and resources.
It gives appropriate access to the authorized users Appointment and Schedule Management: Administrators can
depending on their permissions.
oversee and manage the appointment and schedule
It effectively overcomes the delay in communications. functionalities within the hospital management system. This
includes managing doctors' schedules, allocating time slots
Updating of information becomes so easier.
for patient appointments, handling cancellations or
System security, data security and reliability are the striking rescheduling requests, and maintaining an overall view of
features. the appointment calendar.
The System has adequate scope for modification in future if Reporting and Analytics: The admin module provides
it is necessary. reporting and analytics tools for administrators to generate
comprehensive reports and insights. This includes
generating statistical reports on patient demographics,
resource utilization, financial performance, and other key
performance indicators. It enables administrators to monitor
the organization's performance, identify trends, and make
data-driven decisions.
System Maintenance and Upgrades: Administrators are
responsible for system maintenance and ensuring its smooth
operation. This includes monitoring system performance,
handling backups and data recovery, applying software
updates and patches, and managing system integrations.
They are also responsible for coordinating with technical
support or vendor teams if any technical issues arise.
Hospital Management System is a web application for the Security and Access Control: The admin module includes
hospital whichmanages doctors and patients. In this project, features for managing system security and access control.
we use PHP and MySQL database. Administrators can define user roles, permissions, and
access levels, ensuring that sensitive information is
The entire project mainly consists of 3 modules, which are
accessible only to authorized personnel. They can enforce
Admin module
security measures such as password policies, user
User module authentication mechanisms, and audit trails to protect
Doctor module patient data and maintain compliance with data privacy
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 490