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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
PlagScan: Advanced Plagiarism
Detection and Accuracy Reporting Tool
Jatin Bhaduri , Ayush Singh , Smita Muley , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
4 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT comprehensive detection mechanism that covers even the
Plagiarism is among the most common ethical violations a subtlest of plagiarized content, Originality guard guarantees
student may commit, especially in the digital age where accurate results to its users. Using the advanced features of
information abounds at the fingertips. Yet, plagiarism is not Originality guard, individuals can make sure that their work
just threatening the integrity of academic and professional is plagiarism-free or original.
work but also inhibits creativity, innovation and original
thought. You need a tool to detect and provide an accurate You are trained to think about originality in academic and
report which will help you to rectify your mistakes. professional work. Insight and ingenuity are at the heart of
all progress, propelling people and civilizations onward. On
That is where “Originality guard” comes — an innovative the other hand, plagiarism kills this creativity, and instead
plagiarism detection and accuracy reporting software that induces stagnation and mediocrity. Originality guard's
helps in identifying suspecting copies of work and functionality is crucial in promoting integrity in both
promoting originality. Which is specifically made to resolve academic and professional settings by encouraging originality
the issue of plagiarism with a complete and accurate and identifying plagiarism.
detection solution. This tool can help them avoid any Originality guard — hopes to accomplish a number of key
system generated content, ensure that their work is goals, such as:
original and clean and for the educators and institutions,
there will be no compromise with integrity of work done by 1. Search for plagiarism: Check for certain forms of
their students. plagiarism between two separate records.
2. Plagiarism Detection and Correction: Offer reports that
KEYWORDS: Plagiarism detection tool , Originality guard,
detail where identical or similar text was detected,
Plagiarism, Originality, Academic integrity, Ethical violations,
allowing users to correct, if necessary.
Accuracy reporting, Academic work, Professional work
3. Encourage Originality: Create an environment that
I. INTRODUCTION emphasizes original thinking and writing, making the
Plagiarism has become an increasing problem in academia case for authentic work.
and elsewhere, jeopardizing the originality and hard work 4. Uphold Academic Integrity: Help your educators and
underlying the former. As digital technology has advanced, it
institutions to maintain academic integrity and prevent
has become easier to freely access and reproduce plagiarism and ensure credibility.
information, resulting in a higher potential for plagiarism. Not
only does this destroy the credibility of people, but it also 5. Increase Credibility: Assist either people or institutions
kills creativity, innovation, and original thought. This, to solidify their commitment to individualism, increasing
combined with the rise of A.I. writing tools, has made it their respectability and credibility.
increasingly more challenging for individuals, organizations, II. RELATED WORK
and institutions to detect plagiarism using traditional To combat the rising issue of academic dishonesty, several
plagiarism detection tools are created. Indeed, many such
Plagiarism comes with serious consequences, including tools are based on simple string-matching algorithms which
academic penalties, loss of credibility, legal action, and can easily be bypassed by more skillful plagiarism methods.
financial repercussions. Moreover, these consequences can In contrast, Originality guard uses sophisticated algorithms
also track on one’s career and reputation for a long time. To that can find plagiarism even when it isn't apparent.
help reduce these risks, it is indeed important that good Such tools currently available thus are often susceptible for
plagiarism detectors are used. PlagScan – A State of the Art
false positives and could penalize students that do not
Plagiarism Detection Software Promoting Originality For the
deserve punishment. The sophisticated algorithms Originality
best results in avoiding plagiarism, using Originality guard is guard uses reduce the risk of false positives to a minimum
recommended. and only truly plagiarized excerpts are identified. It is thus
The detection of plagiarism is a highly complex process, an educator and student-friendly feature and why it is a
which implies advanced algorithms and extensive databases. trusted Plagiarism detection tool. Literature has emphasized
Originality guard’s advanced technology processes an the need for plagiarism detection in sustaining academic
extensive database of web pages, academic articles, and integrity (7). In fact, some research has suggested that these
literature to detect potential plagiarism. With this tools, like the one Yang mentioned, have been shown to
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