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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                            Development of a Web-Based Product Price
                              Comparison and Recommendation Engine

                           Akshat A. Patle , Aryan S. Hedau , Prof. Shubhara Chinchmalatpure ,
                                         Prof. Smita Muley , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
                                          1,2,3,4,5 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1,2,3,4 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          5 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           convenience,  the  plethora  of  online  stores  has  created
             In  the  current  era  of  e-commerce,  online  shopping  has   challenges  for  consumers  in  identifying  the  best  deals.
             revolutionized  consumer  behavior.  However,  the   Traditional  price  comparison  methods,  such  as  manually
             abundance  of  online  platforms  often  overwhelms  users   browsing  multiple  websites,  are  time-consuming  and
             seeking the best prices for products. This paper introduces   inefficient.   Moreover,   the   lack   of   personalized
             a   web-based   Product   Price   Comparison   and   recommendations  often  results  in  suboptimal  purchase
             Recommendation Engine, a platform designed to simplify   decisions.
             decision-making for online shoppers. Leveraging real-time
                                                                The Product Price Comparison and Recommendation Engine
             data aggregation, machine learning algorithms, and user-
                                                                addresses these challenges by centralizing and automating
             centric design  principles, the  proposed  system  provides
                                                                price comparisons across various e-commerce platforms. By
             accurate  price  comparisons  and  personalized  product
                                                                integrating  advanced  technologies  such  as  web  scraping,
             recommendations.  This  approach  aims  to  enhance  user
                                                                API-based  data  aggregation,  and  machine  learning,  this
             satisfaction,  save  time,  and  foster  informed  purchase
                                                                system not only identifies the most cost-effective options but
             decisions.  Preliminary  analysis  indicates  significant
                                                                also tailors recommendations based on user preferences and
             potential for the system to disrupt traditional e-commerce
                                                                purchasing history. The platform aims to streamline online
             paradigms,  enabling  users  to  optimize  both  cost  and
                                                                shopping by saving users time and money while enhancing
                                                                the overall experience.

             KEYWORDS: Price comparison, recommendation engine, e-  Furthermore, this system aims to bridge the knowledge gap
             commerce, machine learning, user-centric design, real-time   among  users  unfamiliar  with  advanced  e-commerce
             data                                               strategies.  By  providing  intuitive  tools  and  transparent
                                                                comparisons, it empowers users of all demographics to make
             1.  INTRODUCTION                                   informed  purchasing  decisions.  This  approach  not  only
             The rapid growth of e-commerce has transformed shopping   fosters  trust  but  also  promotes  inclusivity  in  online
             experiences  globally.  While  offering  unprecedented   shopping.

                               Figure 1: Illustration of Web-Based Price Comparison Engine Workflow
             This paper explores the motivation, architecture, and potential impact of the proposed system. It highlights how technology can
             bridge the gap between consumer needs and market offerings, contributing to a more efficient and satisfying online shopping

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