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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
               Efficiency: Average search times decreased by 50% compared to manual browsing, significantly enhancing convenience.

               Adoption Rate: High interest among users, particularly those seeking budget-friendly options and tailored suggestions.
                Local businesses also expressed enthusiasm about increased visibility through the platform.
                                                Table 1: Accuracy for Algorithms
                                                   Algorithm         Accuracy (%)
                                           Collaborative Filtering (CF)   92.7
                                           Content-Based Filtering (CBF)   90.8
                                           Hybrid (CF + CBF)             94.5

                                         Figure 3: Graph Comparing Performance Metrics
             Future work will focus on expanding the platform’s capabilities, including multilingual support, mobile app development, and
             enhanced AI algorithms for deeper personalization. Additionally, partnerships with global e-commerce platforms are planned
             to increase the range of available products.
             6.  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE:                   convenience,  savings,  and  satisfaction.  By  embracing
             The proposed system is a Real-Time Search Engine where   innovation  and  addressing  emerging  challenges,  the
             users will find best products among multiple ecommerce   platform  is  well-positioned  to  shape  the  future  of  e-
             websites. It will reduce time and money wasted in manual   commerce.
             filtering  and  will  provide  customers  a  better  shopping   References:
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