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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Enhancing Consumer Decision Making through
Automated Price Comparison System
Bhavesh Mahalle , Ayush Ahirkar , Prof. Shubhara Chinchmalatpure ,
Prof. Smita Muley , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
1,2,3,4,5 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3,4 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
5 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT The system is also designed to be user-friendly. It has simple
The e-commerce revolution has created vast opportunities navigation, filtering options, and even personalized
for consumers, but the abundance of choices often recommendations. For example, if a user frequently searches
overwhelms them. This paper introduces an Automated for laptops, the system will suggest laptops based on their
Price Comparison System to simplify consumer decision- preferences, such as price range, brand, or features. This not
making by dynamically tracking and comparing prices only saves time but also reduces stress during online
across multiple retailers. This system consolidates product shopping.
data, ensures real-time price monitoring, and delivers
Key features like real-time price updates, user-friendly
tailored product recommendations based on user
design, personalized product suggestions, and easy
preferences. Key functionalities include real-time price
navigation make this system a powerful tool for shoppers. It
aggregation, user-friendly interfaces, and historical price
helps users save money, make smarter choices, and enjoy a
trend analysis. Additionally, the system employs algorithms
smoother shopping experience.
to identify the best deals, incorporates multi-retailer
support, and adapts to changing market trends. Preliminary 2. RELATED WORK
evaluations highlight its ability to save time, reduce costs, Various price comparison tools and platforms have emerged
enhance consumer satisfaction, streamline purchasing in recent years to cater to the growing demands of online
decisions, and promote smarter and more informed shoppers. While these tools address basic comparison needs,
shopping habits. most of them lack comprehensive functionality and fail to
adapt to the evolving expectations of modern consumers.
KEYWORDS: Price comparison, e-commerce, real-time Many existing solutions focus on niche markets, such as
tracking, product recommendations, user-friendly interface, electronics or fashion, leaving gaps in product coverage and
smart shopping, price trend analysis, consumer decision- usability.
Research suggests that effective price comparison
systems must integrate the following critical
1. INTRODUCTION components:
E-commerce has completely changed the way people shop.
Now, instead of going to physical stores, customers can Real-Time Price Monitoring: This ensures that
consumers have access to the latest deals and discounts,
browse and buy products online from the comfort of their reflecting dynamic price changes across platforms.
homes. There are thousands of products available on many
websites, which gives people plenty of options. However, Without this feature, users often encounter outdated or
having so many choices can also be a problem. It’s difficult to irrelevant information, undermining the system’s
figure out which product is the best and where to find it at the reliability.
lowest price. User-Centric Design: A user-friendly interface is
essential for ensuring accessibility and ease of use,
For example, if someone wants to buy a mobile phone, they especially for non-technical users. Features like intuitive
may visit five or six websites to compare prices, check navigation, voice-based search, and customizable filters
reviews, and read specifications. This process is time- significantly enhance the shopping experience.
consuming and sometimes frustrating because prices keep
changing, and not all websites provide clear or updated Holistic Data Integration: Consolidating comprehensive
information. Traditional methods of comparing prices, like product details, such as specifications, reviews, and
manually checking websites, are no longer effective for retailer availability, allows users to make informed
today’s busy consumers. decisions. This eliminates the need to visit multiple
websites, saving time and effort.
To solve this problem, we propose an Automated Price
Comparison System. This system automatically compares Despite advancements, most current tools prioritize technical
prices of products from different websites in real time. It complexity over practical usability, limiting their appeal to a
collects all the information about the product, including broader audience. The proposed system aims to bridge this
reviews, specifications, availability, and price history, and gap by combining robust functionality with simplicity and
shows it in one place. This makes it easy for customers to personalization, ensuring that it meets the needs of diverse
decide which product to buy without wasting time on multiple consumers.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 545