Page 593 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 593

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

             In-depth Discussion                                1.  Nutrient Density and Bioavailability
             Chronic  diseases,  such  as  diabetes,  heart  disease,   Organic foods are often thought to offer superior nutritional
             hypertension, and obesity, have become some of the leading   quality compared to conventionally grown produce. Organic
             causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The growing   farming  practices  tend  to  enhance  soil  health,  avoid
             prevalence of these conditions is closely linked to modern   synthetic pesticides, and use more sustainable techniques,
             lifestyle factors, especially dietary habits. As a result, there   which  can  result  in  crops  that  contain  higher  levels  of
             has  been  increasing  interest  in  organic  diets,  which  are   beneficial  nutrients  such  as  antioxidants,  vitamins,  and
             believed  to  provide  health  benefits  that  can  aid  in  the   minerals. These nutrients are essential for supporting the
             prevention  and  management  of  chronic  diseases.  This   body’s  functions,  including  immune  system  health  and
             discussion explores the role of organic diets in managing   cellular repair, which can play an important role in managing
             chronic  diseases,  examining  the  potential  advantages,   chronic diseases.
             challenges, and scientific evidence surrounding organic food
             consumption.                                       For instance, organic fruits and vegetables are often richer in
                                                                vitamins  C and E, as  well as  polyphenols  and flavonoids,
                                                                which  are  known  for  their  antioxidant  and  anti-

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