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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             VII.   CONCLUSION                                       Understanding the functional building blocks of social
             The "Free Aqua Wave" campaign demonstrates how social   media.   Business   Horizons,   54(3),   241-251.
             media may revolutionize brand marketing by emphasizing
             its potential for expansion and client retention.2"The Free   [6]   Kotler,  P.,  Kartajaya,  H.,  &  Setiawan,  I.  (2016).
             Aqua  Wave"  demonstrates  how  creative  social  media   Marketing  4.0:  Moving  from  Traditional  to  Digital.
             marketing techniques may increase brand awareness and   Wiley.
             engagement in online markets. The "The Free Aqua Wave"
             case  highlights  how  social  media  marketing  may   [7]   Gligorijevic, B., & Leong, B. (2011). Trust, reputation
             revolutionize contemporary brands. Authenticity, audience   and the small firm: Building online brand reputation
             knowledge,  and  ongoing  innovation  should  be  given  top   for SMEs. Decision Support Systems, 52(2), 342-352.
             priority by companies hoping to duplicate its success. Social
             media is a dynamic platform for creating enduring brand   [8]
             advocacy and deep connections, not just a marketing tool.   Smith, A. N., Fischer, E., & Yongjian, C. (2012). How
             The Free Aqua Wave has effectively changed its approach to   does  brand-related  user-generated  content  differ
             social media, which has led to a notable increase in brand   across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter? Journal of
             awareness  and  interaction.  Within  six  months,  platform-  Interactive   Marketing,   26(2),   102-113.
             specific tactics, like those used on Instagram and TikTok,
             increased overall impressions by 50% and follower growth   [9]   Haenlein, M., and A. M. Kaplan (2010). Come together,
             by  40%.  Engagement  rates  rose  by  30%  as  a  result  of   users  throughout  the  world!  social  media's
             interactive advertising that included live Q&A sessions and   opportunities  and  challenges.  59–68  in  Business
             contests. The brand's trust and authenticity were enhanced   Horizons, 53(1). 1016/j.bushor.2009.09.003
             by working with specialized influencers, which resulted in a   [10]
             20%  rise  in  website  traffic.  Two  important  tactics  were   K. Smith (2023). Trends in social media marketing for
             purposeful storytelling and data-driven decision-making. To   2023. Week of Marketing. taken from the following
             help clients feel like they belonged, the team also employed   source:
             community development and a variety of content types.   media-marketing-trends-2023/
             VIII.   FUTURE SCOPE                              [11]   Hub  for  Influencer  Marketing,  2023.  Trends  and
             Through   Web3   and   decentralized   social   media,   benchmarks for influencer marketing in 2023. taken
             personalization,  AI  integration,  and  collaborations  with   from   the   2023     study      at
             platforms such as BeReal and Threads, the Free Aqua Wave
             project seeks to improve customer service and marketing   [12]   Statista,  2023.  Global  investment  on  social  media
             initiatives.   Additionally,   it   investigates   influencer   advertising   in   2022–2025.   taken   from
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             commerce and environmental initiatives.                 advertising
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