Page 7 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                                                  eISSN: 2456-6470
                                          Table of Content | Special Issue
                 Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies

               No                    Paper Title                          Author Name           Page No
              97   Revolutionizing Healthcare Accessibility The Dochub   Mohit Bodhe | Ayash Ramteke | Prof.  487-492
                   Solution                                      Shubhra Chinchmalatpure | Prof.
                                                                 Usha Kosarkar
              98   PlagScan Advanced Plagiarism Detection and Accuracy   Jatin Bhaduri | Ayush Singh | Smita   493-498
                   Reporting Tool                                Muley | Prof. Usha Kosarkar
              99   A New Era of Video Conferencing to Enhanced Professional  Khushali Kumeriya | Khushi Sharma |  499-504
                   Interactions                                  Prof. Poonam Kale | Prof. Anupam
              100 MediTrackPro A Robust Platform for Efficient Medicine   Shreya Patle | Shreya Mate | Prof.   505-507
                   Stock and Information Management              Anupam Chaube
              101 Leveraging Technology for Mental Health A Study on the   Rohan Andeo | Srushti Bhavik | Prof.  508-515
                   Effectiveness of the Mental Well System in Psychological   Usha Kosarkar
                   Disorder Identification
              102 MentalWell An Innovative Smart System for Early Detection  Mr. Lokesh Gakhre | Mr. Harshal Raut  516-522
                   and Management of Psychological Disorders     | Prof. Usha Kosarkar
              103 WearItRent Bridging Local Shops and Consumers with   Aditya Walde | Anish Dhamde | Prof.  523-530
                   Sustainable and Affordable Fashion Choices    Poonam Kale | Prof. Anupam Chaube

              104 WearItRent An Innovative Approach to Redefining Fashion   Laxmikant S. Gakhare | Ayush R.   531-536
                   with Local Shop Based Clothing Rentals        Ghatole | Prof. Poonam Kale | Prof.
                                                                 Anupam Chaube
              105 Revolutionizing Local Fashion The Impact of WearItRent on  Girishkumar B. Mouje | Kartik D.   537-540
                   Clothing Rental and Consumer Behavior         Thakre | Poonam Kale | Prof. Anupam
              106 Development of a Web Based Product Price Comparison and  Akshat A. Patle | Aryan S. Hedau |   541-544
                   Recommendation Engine                         Prof. Shubhara Chinchmalatpure |
                                                                 Bhavesh Mahalle | Ayush Ahirkar |
              107 Enhancing Consumer Decision Making through Automated   Prof. Smita Muley | Prof. Usha   545-549
                   Price Comparison System                       Prof. Shubhara Chinchmalatpure
              108 Integrated Cognitive Workload Solutions An In Depth   Santoshi Bucche | Sarthak Tiwari |   550-557
                   Analysis of the Jarvis Model                  Prof. Anupam Chaube
              109 Bridging the Gap Between Human Cognition and AI   Riya Gujar | Sanket Paikrao | Prof.   558-563
                   Assistance The Jarvies Paradigm               Poonam Kale | Prof. Anupam Chaube

              110 Transforming HealthCare with DocHub Insights Into Real   Ayush Paripagare | Atharva Taywade  564-569
                   Time Availability Solutions                   | Prof. Usha Kosarkar
              111 DocHub A Technological Framework for Real Time Access to  Jugal Dambhare | Arpit Vitonde |   570-575
                   Healthcare Services                           Prof. Usha Kosarkar
              112 Exploring the Features and Benefits of RealEstateConnect for Swapnil Rangari | Sujal Khaire | Prof.  576-580
                   Property Stakeholders                         Shubhra Chinchmalatpure | Prof.
                                                                 Usha Kosarkar
              113 The Role of Organic Diets in Managing Chronic Diseases A   Saloni Ghode | Riya Kinhekar | Prof.   581-585
                   Comprehensive Review                          Anupam Chaube
              114 Organic Nutrition Strategies for Disease Prevention and   Payal Sandel | Raj Bagde | Prof.   586-588
                   Management                                    Anupam Chaube
              115 Organic Food as a Therapeutic Approach Diet Plans for   Sakshi Maske | Aman Shendre | Prof.  589-593
                   Managing Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Digestive Disorders Anupam Chaube

              116 Comprehensive Airline Booking Systems A Case Study of   Diya Mandal | Vaishali Wankhede |   594-599
                   FlySmart                                      Prof. Usha Kosharkar

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