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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

              Enhancing Animal Healthcare through Digital Record Keeping:
                         A Study on Registered Animal Data Management

                                Chetan Mahalle , Himanshi Katre , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                          1,2 BCA, Department of Science and Technology,
                           G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                                            3 Department of Science and Technology,
                           G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           The Evolution of Animal Healthcare Record Keeping
             Digitalisation has transformed many industries, and this is   Early Approaches to Animal Health Records
             no  different in the animal healthcare sector. However, its   Prior to the advancement of digital  technology, farms and
             impact extends equally across veterinarians, veterinarians,   veterinary practices kept written paper notes on animals,
             and public  health, especially when it comes to managing   documenting their health, treatment, and physical condition.
             registered animal data as part of digital record-keeping.   Veterinarians or caretakers would write information down
             This  review  article  discusses  the  significant  benefits,   on paper logs, medical charts and folders, which was time-
             challenges and future developments of digital recording in   consuming  and missed the opportunity for automation and
             animal healthcare.                                 was vulnerable to human error. These records were mostly
                                                                scattered  across  several  places,  and  accessing  detailed
             This paper details how EHR and data management systems   health  history  or  vital  information  during  emergencies
             improve  the  efficiency  of  animal  healthcare  practices,   consumed a lot of time.
             whether  that  is  for  disease  management  or  providing
             oversight to meeting regulatory requirements. It also helps   The Transition to Digital Systems
             to  understand  how  data  driven  approaches  enhance   Electronic storage of animal health data started with simple
             treatment  protocols,  lower  costs  and  assist  in  larger   electronic databases towards late  20th century Some early
             research efforts. This paper aims to analyse the above to   veterinary record-keeping systems were thus very basic —
             highlight how significantly valuable digital records are in   general  information  such  as  medical  history,  vaccination
             improving  every single animal and the animal healthcare   status or  treatment history. This was accompanied by ledger
             life cycle.                                        systems  that enabled more precise and trustworthy record

                                                                keeping,  minimising  human  error,  and  increasing
             INTRODUCTION                                       But these systems were still isolated in many  respects. For
             Animal Healthcare. - Evolution of veterinary care for pets,   over a decade,  they were not interoperable with one another
             livestock, wildlife, and exotic species into a more dynamic
                                                                or other systems in use, and data sharing and collaboration
             and scientifically sophisticated industry over the past  few
                                                                among  professionals,  organizations,  and  regulatory
             decades. The emergence of digital evolution has  impacted
                                                                authorities were scarce. The  quality of the data often relied
             the  process  of  handling  health  data.  Traditional  systems   on the person entering the data into the system, and many
             based on paper become inefficient as records are easily lost,   systems provided only basic functionality, with few having
             poorly communicated to stakeholders,  and there is difficulty
                                                                advanced analytics capabilities.
             tracking animal health histories leading to inconsistent care.
                                                                The Emergence of Modern Digital Health Record Systems
             Making the switch to digital record-keeping has produced   The evolution of these processes are particularly interesting
             significant  improvements  in  the  management  of  animal   to map in recent years when sophisticated digital systems
             health records, which  has helped increase decision making   make animal healthcare possible and minutely functional,
             speed, accurate diagnostics and efficient operation. Digital   reliable, and cover a large number of potential treatments,
             record-keeping also provides a centralized record for each   much of which would not have been possible with traditional
             animal  to  access  in  one  place,  up  to  date,  which  can  be   health  records.  Modern  Digital  platforms  come  with  all
             available  for  shared  professionals  and  organizations  to   encompassing features that include:
             collaborate. Date: May  29, 2021 | The world and its sheep     Cloud-based  storage:  Facilitating  secure,  accessible
             are indeed shrinking and getting our head around a whole
                                                                   storage and sharing of animal data.
             flock of breeding systems can be challenging. In this review,
                                                                  Advanced analytics: Using artificial intelligence (AI) to
             we discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of  the
                                                                   analyze health trends, predict disease outbreaks, and
             digital transition on animal healthcare across a period of
             decades,  and  we  specifically  focus  on  potential  areas  of   offer decision support.
             impact that digital data management may have on improving     Mobile integration: Allowing real-time access to health
             quality of life for patients, regulatory compliance, and public   records  via  smartphones  or  tablets,  enabling  more
             health.                                               flexibility for veterinarians in the field.

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