Page 13 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
paving the way for new vaccines, treatments, and preventive initiatives are being pursued by some regions. Such efforts
strategies. are critical for the interoperability of systems and the flow of
animal health data across borders and institutions.
Public health benefits are considerable, too. Digital records
enable tracking of zoonotic diseases, which can pass between 5. Difficulties in Low-resource Settings
animals and humans, and are key to averting pandemics or This lack of access to technology and the internet, in turn, is
public health emergencies. Additionally, expansive datasets a barrier to adoption of digital record-keeping systems in
have the potential to provide insight into government low-resource regions. Data security is a critical issue,
policies regarding animal welfare, agriculture, and food especially for veterinarians and farmers located in rural
safety. regions may have connectivity problems, use older devices,
or lack basic knowledge training.
Challenges in Implementing Digital Record-Keeping
1. Cost and Investment Barriers It falls upon governments, NGOs and industry leaders to
Time and Resource Intensity The cost in terms of money for collaborate actively to bridge this gap and make sure all
setting up and operating a digital record-keeping system can stakeholders, no matter where they reside, are able to take
be large. The high one-time cost — the software, hardware, advantage of the benefits that digital animal healthcare has
training and infrastructure — may be a stretch to justify for to offer.
small veterinary clinics, farms or independent veterinarians.
Talk long-term cost-saving, efficiency, and labor is all very Diagram Examples
well, but the barrier to entry is still a real road block for 1. Central Node (Theme):
many practices, in particular rural or low-income areas. Subcategory: Animal Agriculture and Livestock Management
This is the core of the diagram, often at the centre.
2. Data Security and Privacy Concerns 2. Main Branches (Key Components):
Indeed, the safety and privacy of digital health are a top Here are the key components you determine and then place
concern. As sensitive medical data are abstracted and around the central node:
digitally stored and transferred, the risk of cyberattacks or
data breaches is increasing. Similar to human healthcare, Data Collection
animal health records must also comply with data protection · Tools: Wearable sensors, RFID, mobile applications, etc.
regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation · Data Types: Health records, vaccines, medications,
(GDPR) in Europe, which prevent sensitive data from being mating history.
misused or accessed by unauthorized parties.
Data Storage
Veterinary clinics and farms need to have strong · Tech Stack: Cloud Storage, Secure Databases
cybersecurity protocols in place like encryption, firewall and · Advantages: Secure and easy data storage, backup
secure cloud. The aforementioned security measures are a system.
vital deterrent to data breaches, securing the privacy of both
animals and their owners—be it through access controls, Data Integration
multi-factor authentication, or routine audits. · Integration between systems: Veterinary records,
metadata, production management tools, and research
3. Technical Challenges and User Adoption databases.
Digital record-keeping systems are not without challenges,
however, including the need for technical know-how for Data Analysis
implementation. But of course, training these people on how · Tools : AI, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics
to fly such systems is also required. It especially is true in · USE CASES: Disease prediction, health monitoring,
rural areas or developing countries where training resources behavioral analysis
or technical assistance can be scarce when it comes to
Decision Support
getting the people connected.
· Outputs: They are alerts, health status reports,
Moreover, there are users who resist on making the shift treatment recommendations and prevention strategies.
from paper to digital platforms due to their unfamiliarity of Stakeholder Collaboration
the system, fear of changes and following a learning path. So ·
overcoming this resistance is a challenge in (the use of IT in) Involved: Veterinarians, animal owners, farm managers,
regulatory bodies.
the veterinary field, and this can be solved if we can train
veterinarians properly, give them support to go through the 3. Outcome/Results (Outer Layer):
period where they use digital systems, and in a way who we Write the benefits on the outside of the diagram:
can show them tangible benefits where that will improve Improved Healthcare Outcomes
animal healthcare. Early Disease Detection
Better Animal Welfare
4. Interoperability and Standardization Issues Operational Efficiency
And while many digital systems are powerful, their Data-Driven insights for Treatment & Prevention
application is often siloed, making it challenging to share
data easily between platforms. What this means is that 4. Flow Connections:
interoperability is essential because without it, veterinary Use arrows to show how each element influences the
clinics, research institutions, and regulatory authorities others or interconnects in some way:
cannot access data from different sources, thus thwarting Data Collection → Data Storage → Data Integration →
their collective work contribution. Data Analysis → Decision Support → Improved
Healthcare Outcomes
Given the wide range of data types and formats for animal
health records across different regions, standardisation
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 3