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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             5.  Final Design:                                  2.  Blockchain for Data Security and Transparency
               Place the central theme "Digital Record Keeping" in the   Blockchain  technology  is  gaining  popularity  as  a  data
                middle.                                         management solution due to its security and transparency.
               Surround  it  with  the  key  components  and  their   Blockchain can offer a decentralized, unchangeable record
                associated sub-elements.                        of  an  animal’s  medical  history,  making  it  impossible  to
               Use arrows to show the process flow and relationships.   tamper  with  the  data  and  thus  affording  a  high  level  of
               The outer circle can have the outcomes listed.   security.  It  could  be  especially  valuable  for  tracking  the
                                                                movement and treatment  of livestock animals in production
             Example Layout for the Diagram:
                                                                and  international  trade  with  greater  robustness  of
              | Data Collection |
                                                                3.  Universal Standards for Interoperability
              | (Sensors, RFID, Apps) |                         The  global  standard  is  critical  for  digital  record  keeping
                                                                systems to reach their full potential. Establishing universal
                                                                standards  for  animal  health  data  formats,  privacy,  and
                     ↑                                          interoperability is important to ensure different systems can
                                                                seamlessly communicate with one another. It would  make
                                                                possible  for  veterinarians,  researchers,  and  regulatory
              +--------------------------+                      authorities  to  share  data,  which  in  turn,  significantly
                                                                increases the efficiency and quality of animal health around
              | Data Storage |
                                                                the globe.
              | (Cloud, Secure Databases)|
                                                                4.  Mobile and Remote Access
              +--------------------------+                      Mobile device and smartphone use in veterinary practice are
                                                                growing, and with such growth comes exciting  opportunities
                                                                for accessing animal health records from afar. Veterinarian-
                     |                                          specific applications can also be found for mobile devices
                                                                that  let  them  access  health  records,  communicate  with
              +-----------------------+ +---------------------+ +---------------------+
                                                                clients and share data with colleagues on the go, increasing
             | Data Integration | ←→→ | Data Analysis | ←→→ | Decision   access to  care in rural or underserved areas.
                                 Support |                      Conclusion
              | (Farm, Clinic, Research) | | (ML, Predictive Analytics)| |   The  digitalization  of  record-keeping,  however,  has
                           (Alerts, Reports, Rec.) |
                                                                significantly  changed  the  landscape  of  animal  healthcare,
              +-----------------------+ +---------------------+ +----------------------+   offering veterinarians, farmers, and researchers various tools
                                                                to  optimize  the  management  of  animal  health  in  a  more
                                                                efficient and effective manner.
                                                                While  implementation  hurdles  include  high  costs,  data
              | Stakeholder Collaboration|                      security concerns, and resistance to change, the potential
                                                                benefits  of  digital  systems  in  animal  healthcare  are
              |(Vets, Owners, Managers) |
                                                                tremendous.  With  the  evolution  of  technology,  digital
              +--------------------------+                      record-keeping will further integrate with the animal health
                                                                ecosystem, optimizing care, reducing costs and improving
                     ↓                                          outcomes for all animals across the globe.
              +--------------------------+                      References
              | Improved Healthcare |                           [1]   MD  DPOs  are  essential.  McAllister,  L.  D.  A.  (2020)
                                                                     Digital Technologies in Veterinary Practice: A Review.
              | (Early Detection, Efficiency) |
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              +--------------------------+                           62, no. 4, pp. 221-229, 2024.
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             outbreaks  by  analyzing  large  data  sets.  Down  the  line,   2025.
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             IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies   Page 4
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