Page 9 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                                                  eISSN: 2456-6470
                                          Table of Content | Special Issue
                 Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies

               No                    Paper Title                          Author Name           Page No
              133 Fake Logo Detection System using Python        Kalpesh Dhulse | Kartik Dighore |  682-688
                                                                 Prof. Smita Muley | Prof. Shubha
                                                                 Chinchmalatpure | Prof. Usha
              134 Fertilizer Waste Management System A Review    Tushar Kanojiya | Tupesh Kapse |  689-690
                                                                 Prof. Subhra Chinchmalatpure |
                                                                 Prof. Anupam Choube
              135 Evaluating FakeAlert A Machine Learning Model for   Monika Chaudhary | Pratik Gour |  691-699
                   Real Time Falsified News Detection and Verification  Maheshwari Dhapare | Prof. Usha
              136 FakeAlert An Innovative Machine Learning Framework  Monika Chaudhary | Shaijal Aher |  700-704
                   for Identifying and Combatting Falsified News  Isha Wararkar | Prof. Usha
              137 Identifying Fake Logos on the Internet A Study of AI   Prof. Anupam Chaube   705-711
                   Models and Web Scraping Efficiency
              138 Packease Revolutionizing the Movers and Packers   Ketan Varma | Prof. Shubhra   712-720
                   Industry with Comprehensive Solutions         Chinchmalatpure | Prof. Smita
              139 Effortless Logistics A Seamless Transportation System   Pawan Sakarde | Prayas   721-723
                   for on Time Deliveries                        Sukhadeve | Poonam Kale | Prof.
                                                                 Anupam Chaube
              140 OTP Based Authentication in ATM Systems        Raju Madhukar Nilam | Sainitin   724-725
                                                                 Sadvali Tota | Prof. Poonam Kale |
                                                                 Prof. Anupam Chaube
              141 OTP Authentication in Reducing ATM Fraud A Case   Rajshekhar Gopal Lendguri | Kartik  726-727
                   Study Approach                                Tirupati Durgam | Prof. Poonam
                                                                 Kale | Prof. Anupam Chaube

              142 Future Innovations in OTP Authentication for ATM   Shantanu Natthuji Dadmal | Prof.  728-729
                   Systems                                       Poonam Kale | Prof. Anupam
              143 Effortless Logistics A Study on Seamless Transportation  Nikhil Pandey | Kaushik   730-733
                   Systems for Timely Deliveries                 Tembhurne | Poonam Kale | Prof.
                                                                 Anupam Chaube
              144 Fertilizer Waste Management System             Prajit Danao | Shreyash Nagture |  734-739
                                                                 Prof. Usha Kosarkar
              145 EcoFood is a Sustainable Food Management System  Soumya Sengar | Prof. Monika   740-745
                                                                 Choudhary | Kunal Patil | Prof.
                                                                 Usha Kosarkar
              146 Revolutionizing Food Sustainability The Role of Eco   Vishal Khatri | Monicka Choudhry  746-748
                   Food in Minimizing Waste and Maximizing Resources  | Sugam Jha | Prof. Usha Kosarkar
              147 Implementation and Performance Optimization of OTP  Swapnil Durge | Anshay Patil |   749-750
                   Based Security for Online Transactions        Usha Kosalkar | Shubhra
                                                                 Chinchmalapure | Prof. Anupam
              148 Optimized Logistics Enhancing Transportation Efficiency Piyush Pun | Pruthviraj Giri |   751-754
                   for On Time Deliveries                        Poonam Kale | Prof. Anupam

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