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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

                                  Fig 4. Video Metting for personal and professional communication
             VII.   CONCLUSION                                  VIII.   FUTURE SCOPE
             The  video  conferencing  tool  serves  as  a  pivotal  asset  in   The future of video conferencing tools is set to evolve with
             enhancing  communication,  fostering  collaboration,  and   advancements  in  artificial  intelligence  (AI),  augmented
             increasing productivity across various domains. By bridging   reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR), which will enhance user
             geographical gaps, it facilitates seamless communication for   experience  and  interactivity.  As  remote  work  and  global
             remote teams, businesses, and individuals. With features like   collaboration  continue  to  rise,  the  demand  for  more
             screen sharing, real-time collaboration, and high-definition   immersive, intuitive, and secure communication tools will
             video, it helps in maintaining efficient workflows, boosting   increase. AI can play a significant role in automating tasks
             engagement,  and  driving  innovation  (source:  Harvard   such as meeting transcriptions, translation, and real-time
             Business Review, 2020). Furthermore, video calls contribute   analytics,  making  interactions  more  efficient  (source:
             to  building  stronger  personal  connections,  offering  an   Gartner,  2023).  Moreover,  AR  and  VR  technologies  could
             invaluable resource in both professional and social settings   further  redefine  virtual  meetings  by  creating  lifelike,  3D
             (source: Forbes, 2021). As we move forward into a more   environments  that  foster  greater  engagement  and
             digital-centric  world,  these  tools  will  continue  to  be   connection (source: McKinsey & Company, 2022).
             indispensable for communication and success.

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