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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             Frequent Evaluations:                              REFERENCES
             Plan for recurring reviews: Set aside specified times, like   [1]   Shreekanth  Marapaka,Ms.  Shweta  Ramteke,  Prof.
             every three months or every six months, to go over your   Hirendra Hajarev, ”Resume Builder Application Vol 8
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             Check for completeness and accuracy: Make sure that all of   [2]   Stephen D. Risavy, “The Resume Research Literature:
             the  information  is  correct,  current,  and  represents  your   Where  Have  We  Been  and  Where  Should  We  Go
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             Reassess  your  professional  objectives:  Evaluate  your   [3]   Bharti Kungwani, Amisha Manglani, Naman Dembal,
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             In summary, creating a strong CV is a continuous process   Volume 8, Issue V”, 2021
             that needs constant improvement. You can produce a strong   [5]   Mary  Chew  Jia  Yi,  Ong  Huey  Fang,  “AResume”
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