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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                 Ensuring Women’s Safety: Development of a Women-Only
                 Cab App with Real-Time Tracking for Parental Monitoring

                             Priya Tiwari , Siya Tiwari , Poonam Kale , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                         1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1,2,3,4 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           location is monitored throughout the journey, reducing the
             Ensuring women's safety in public transportation remains a   risk of unforeseen incidents and enabling quick response in
             critical  concern,  prompting  the  need  for  innovative  and   emergencies.  To  further  strengthen  security,  the  app
             technology-driven solutions.  This  project  focuses on  the   employs features such as driver authentication, ride OTP
             development  of  a  women-only  cab  application  that   verification, and encrypted communication channels. These
             prioritizes safety through real-time tracking and parental   elements work together to create a robust ecosystem where
             monitoring  features.  The  app  is  designed  to  provide  a   women can travel with confidence.
             secure and reliable travel experience by allowing users to
                                                                Furthermore, the app provides an intuitive user interface
             share  their  ride  details  with  trusted  contacts,  ensuring
                                                                with options to pre-schedule rides, select safe routes, and
             continuous  monitoring  throughout  the  journey.  Key
                                                                access emergency services with a single tap. By leveraging
             features include GPS-based real-time tracking, emergency
                                                                cloud-based  data  storage  and  analytics,  the  system  can
             alert  systems,  ride  verification  through  OTP,  driver
                                                                provide insights into travel patterns and suggest safer travel
             authentication,  and  route  optimization  for  safer  travel.
                                                                alternatives based on historical data.
             Additionally,  the  app  incorporates  an  AI-driven  risk
             assessment system that analyzes travel patterns to identify   In addition to safety features, the women-only cab service
             potential safety threats and suggest alternative routes. The   promotes economic empowerment by offering employment
             inclusion  of  a  panic  button,  two-way  communication   opportunities  for  female  drivers,  contributing  to  gender
             between passengers and emergency contacts, and periodic   inclusivity in the transportation sector. The initiative aligns
             check-ins  further  enhance  user  safety.  By  leveraging   with  the  broader  objective  of  creating  a  secure  and
             advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud   supportive environment for women to navigate their daily
             computing, and data encryption, this application aims to   routines without fear.
             empower women with greater mobility, independence, and
             peace of mind. The proposed solution not only addresses   By  implementing  a  holistic  approach  that  combines
                                                                technology,  community  support,  and  strategic  safety
             security challenges faced during solo or late-night travels
             but  also  fosters  a  safer  and  more  inclusive  public   measures, this women-only cab app aspires to revolutionize
             transportation  system,  encouraging  more  women  to   urban transportation for women. It is a step toward fostering
             embrace independent travel with confidence.        a safer, more inclusive, and convenient travel experience,
                                                                encouraging  women  to  embrace  their  independence  and

                                                                mobility with confidence.
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                II.
             Women's safety in public and private transportation remains   RELATED WORK
             a  significant  concern  globally,  with  rising  incidents  of   Over the past decade, numerous efforts have been made to
                                                                enhance  women's  safety  in  transportation  through
             harassment, abuse, and violence. Many women feel unsafe
                                                                technology-driven solutions. Several ride-hailing platforms,
             while commuting alone, especially during late hours or in
             unfamiliar  areas.  In  response  to  these  challenges,   such as Uber and Lyft, have incorporated safety features like
             technology-driven solutions have emerged as a crucial tool to   ride-sharing  options,  emergency  buttons,  and  driver
             enhance safety, instill confidence, and promote independent   background  checks.  However,  these  services  cater  to  a
             mobility for women. The development of a women-only cab   general audience and do not specifically address the unique
             application with real-time tracking and parental monitoring   safety concerns faced by women. In response to such gaps,
             features  aims  to  address  these  pressing  concerns  by   women-centric ride services like “SheSafe” and “Women on
             providing  a  secure,  reliable,  and  efficient  transportation   Wheels” have been introduced in various regions, offering
             alternative.                                       female-driven vehicles to provide a sense of security and
                                                                comfort  to  women  passengers.  These  services,  though
             The  proposed  application  is  designed  to  offer  a  female-  effective, often lack advanced tracking features and parental
             friendly  commuting  experience,  ensuring  safety  through   monitoring  capabilities,  which  are  crucial  for  ensuring
             verified  female  drivers,  live  tracking,  and  real-time  ride   comprehensive safety.
             updates shared with trusted contacts. Parental monitoring
                                                                Research studies have explored the importance of real-time
             features allow guardians to track their loved ones' journeys
                                                                tracking  and  monitoring  in  ride-hailing  applications  to
             in real-time, offering them reassurance and peace of mind.
                                                                enhance passenger safety. Existing systems primarily rely on
             Additionally, the app includes safety mechanisms such as
             SOS alerts, route deviation warnings, and AI-based anomaly   GPS  tracking  to  monitor  vehicle  movements;  however,
             detection to identify potential threats.           studies  suggest  that  incorporating  AI-based  predictive
                                                                analytics  and  machine  learning  algorithms  can  further
             The  integration  of  GPS  tracking  ensures  that  the  user’s   improve threat detection and response time. Additionally,

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