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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
               The backend will leverage a cloud infrastructure (e.g.,   real-time tracking. Machine learning algorithms will optimize
                AWS  or  Google  Cloud)  to  manage  real-time  tracking,   ride matching and predict potential safety risks based on
                user data, and ride analytics. A secure database system   historical  data.  Testing  will  be  conducted  using  user
                will be implemented to store sensitive user and driver   feedback to fine-tune the app's performance.
                information,  ensuring  compliance  with  privacy   3.  Evaluation Phase:
                regulations such as GDPR.
                                                                Once the app is deployed, the evaluation phase will involve
               Machine  learning  algorithms  will  be  integrated  to   gathering quantitative and qualitative data. Key performance
                optimize  ride  matching  and  safety  features,  such  as   indicators  (KPIs)  such  as  user  adoption  rates,  app  usage
                predicting  peak  hours  or  ensuring  driver-passenger   frequency,  and  user  ratings  for  safety  features  will  be
                compatibility.                                  analyzed. Surveys  and  interviews will be conducted with
                                                                users  (women  and  parents)  to  assess  their  satisfaction,
             Research Goals:                                    perceived safety, and overall experience. Statistical analyses
               Evaluating Safety Impact: Assess the effectiveness of   will  be  applied  to  identify  any  correlations  between  app
                the integrated safety features in reducing the perceived   features and user satisfaction.
                risk for women and parents.
                                                                4.  Optimization Phase:
               User  Adoption  &  Satisfaction:  Measure  user   Based on the evaluation results, the optimization phase will
                satisfaction  levels  regarding  the  app's  convenience,   involve  refining  the  app’s  features,  improving  security
                security, and usability.
                                                                protocols,  and  enhancing  user  interfaces.  Feedback
               Operational  Feasibility:  Analyze  the  operational   regarding ride scheduling, driver communication, and child
                efficiency  of  a  women-only  service,  including  driver   seat  functionality  will  guide  adjustments.  The  goal  is  to
                recruitment,  service  scalability,  and  geographical   continuously  enhance  the  system’s  usability,  safety
                coverage.                                       measures, and scalability.
             Through  this  work,  we  aim  to  provide  a  comprehensive   Components of the Research Model:
             transport solution that prioritizes the safety and convenience   1.  User-Centered Design:
             of  women  and  parents.  By  integrating  cutting-edge     Goal: To ensure that the app meets the real needs of
             technology  and  user-centered  design  principles,  the   women and parents, ensuring safety, convenience, and
             proposed system will contribute to the development of a   ease of use.
             more  secure,  inclusive,  and  trustworthy  transportation
                                                                  Methods:  Surveys,  user  interviews,  focus  groups  to
                                                                   gather  insights  on  the  most  critical  features  such  as
             IV.    PROPOSED RESEARCH MODEL                        emergency response times, trust in drivers, and the need
             The  proposed  research  model  aims  to  evaluate  the   for child-friendly vehicles.
             effectiveness  and  feasibility  of  a  women-only  cab  app   2.  Safety and Security Features:
             designed with enhanced safety features tailored for parents.     Goal:  To  validate  the  effectiveness  of  the  enhanced
             This  model  is  based  on  a  combination  of  technical   safety features such as GPS tracking, verified drivers,
             innovation, user-centered design, and empirical analysis. It   panic buttons, and emergency contact sharing.
             explores key components including safety, user experience,
             system  efficiency,  and  social  impact,  structured  into  four     Methods: Analysis of safety incident rates before and
             main  phases:  design,  implementation,  evaluation,  and   after implementing the app and user feedback regarding
             optimization.                                         their perceived security during rides.
             1.  Design Phase:                                  3.  System Performance and Efficiency:
             The  design  phase  focuses  on  identifying  the  user  needs,     Goal:  To  measure  the  app’s  operational  efficiency,
             defining  core  features,  and  conceptualizing  the  app’s   focusing on real-time ride tracking, ride matching, and
             architecture. User research through surveys, focus groups,   scalability.
             and interviews will be conducted to gather insights from     Methods:  System  logs,  backend  data,  and  machine
             women  and  parents  regarding  their  safety  concerns  and   learning  outcomes  will  be  evaluated  to  optimize  the
             transportation requirements. Based on these insights, the
             key features such as verified female drivers, real-time GPS   ride-matching algorithm and predict potential delays or
             tracking, child seat options, and emergency alert systems will   safety concerns.
             be incorporated into the app.                      4.  Impact on User Experience:
                                                                  Goal:  To  assess  the  overall  user  satisfaction  and
             2.  Implementation Phase:                             adoption of the women-only cab service.
             The implementation phase focuses on the development and
             deployment of the women-only cab app. A hybrid mobile     Methods: User satisfaction surveys, NPS (Net Promoter
             application  will  be  created  using  technologies  like  React   Score), app usage data, and social media monitoring will
             Native, enabling cross-platform compatibility. The backend   be employed to evaluate how well the app addresses the
             will be developed using cloud computing services (e.g., AWS,   needs of women and parents.
             Google Cloud) to manage user data, ride information, and

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