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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             design  objectives  and  to  highlight  areas  for  further   strong  adoption  rate  among  women  and  parents.
             improvement.                                          However, growth was slightly slower in non-urban areas
                                                                   due to the limited availability of female drivers.
             Key Findings:
             1.  Safety Improvements:                             Geographical  Expansion:  The  app  was  successfully
               Incident Reporting Rate: The app demonstrated a 30%   expanded  to  two  additional  cities  within  the  first  six
                reduction  in  safety-related  incidents  (such  as   months of deployment, demonstrating its scalability and
                harassment or uncomfortable interactions) compared to   ability to meet demand in new locations.
                traditional ride-hailing services. This was largely due to
                the women-only driver policy and robust verification
                processes.                                                    Women-Only Cab Service
                                                                            (Comfort, Trust for Women)
               Emergency Response Time: The average emergency
                response time was found to be under 3 minutes, with the     -------------------------------------
                app  notifying  both  local  authorities  and  designated
                contacts in real-time. This significantly improved safety
                perceptions among users.
               Verified Driver Success Rate: 98% of female drivers        ----------------------------------------
                passed the background checks and identity verification
                process. This high verification rate reinforced trust in     Enhanced Safety Features
                the service.                                               (Real-Time Tracking, Emergency
                                                                               Features, Verification)
               Panic  Button  Usage:  Approximately  2%  of  all  rides
                involved panic button usage, indicating that the app’s
                emergency  features  were  actively  used  by  users  to
                ensure their safety.

             2.  Operational Efficiency:
               Ride Matching Accuracy: The ride-matching algorithm
                showed a 95% success rate in matching passengers with        Parent Control Dashboard
                available  drivers  within  5  minutes.  The  system’s             (Tracking,) |
                accuracy improved during off-peak hours but required
                further optimization during rush hours.

               Real-Time  Tracking  Accuracy:  The  GPS  tracking
                feature  provided  real-time  location  updates  with  an
                accuracy rate of 99.5%, ensuring the app was able to
                track both passengers and drivers effectively throughout    --------------------------------------
                the ride.                                                    Driver Ratings & Feedback
                                                                           (Ensures Trustworthy Drivers)
               System  Latency:  The  system’s  average  latency  was
                recorded at 1.2 seconds for ride requests and booking       --------------------------------------
                confirmations, demonstrating a quick response time and
                minimal delay in operations.

               App  Uptime:  The  app  maintained  an  uptime  rate  of
                99.8%,  ensuring  consistent  service  availability  with   -----------------------------------------------
                minimal disruptions.
                                                                         RESULTS: Peace of Mind for Parents
             3.  User Experience and Satisfaction:                        (Safe, Secure, Trustworthy Rides)
               User Satisfaction Rating: Users rated the app with an
                average score of 4.7 out of 5 for safety, ease of use, and   ------------------------------------------------
                driver professionalism. Positive feedback highlighted the   Fig.4 Graphical representation of Result analysis
                app’s  user-friendly  interface  and  the  added  peace  of
                                                                Analysis of User Feedback:
                mind from knowing that only verified female drivers
                                                                  Positive Feedback: Users particularly appreciated the
                were available.
                                                                   added  safety  measures  and  the  ability  to  share  ride
               Net Promoter Score (NPS): The app received an NPS   information  with  trusted  contacts  in  real  time.  Many
                score  of  78,  suggesting  high  levels  of  customer   parents  found  the  child  seat  option  and  driver
                satisfaction  and  a  strong  likelihood  of  users   communication  tools  particularly  useful,  leading  to
                recommending the app to others.                    greater peace of mind.
               Feedback Response Time: The average time taken to     Suggestions  for  Improvement:  Users  suggested
                resolve  user  complaints  and  feedback  was  24  hours,   improvements  in  the  app’s  flexibility  regarding
                with most issues related to ride preferences (e.g., child   scheduling rides, especially during high-demand hours.
                seat availability) and minor UI improvements.      Some also requested more detailed profiles for drivers,
                                                                   including past ride ratings and experience with children.
             4.  Scalability:
               User  Growth  Rate:  The  app  saw  a  25%  increase  in   VII.   CONCLUSION
                users  during  the  first  3  months  after  launch,  with  a   The development of a women-only cab app with enhanced

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