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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
develop a constant stable movement forward, tourism outreach activities, it is important to conduct a series of
development, and all society's socio-economic needs. activities to promote sustainable tourism as a development
Tourism is one of the few sectors of the economy that, tool. It is important to define the terminology, to show the
despite crises, political situations, and the fact that specific role of sustainable tourism, the role in the economy of
vectors of development are continually changing, maintain a sustainable development. Important indicators of
surprisingly balanced development growth. Tourism is sustainable development are the following: aspects of social,
developing steadily, increasing annually from 3.5 to 4 environmental, economic development, on the one hand,
percent per year. Sustainable tourism development is a and, on the other hand, the construction of integral indices,
stable change in a given industry, transitioning from one which can be used to judge the development of a region or
quality state to another. From year to year, the requirements country as a whole. Indicators of sustainable development
of travelling people change, new types of tourism appear, are indicators that make it possible to judge the state of
new forms of travel appear, travel companies and hotels are change in the economy, social sphere and ecology. Some
changing, technological innovations are being actively variables are distinguished that can assess the indicators of
introduced into life, which radically changes companies' the development of a situation, event, region. There is a
organizational processes. Tourism is a branch of the system of eco-indicators for the organization of economic
economy that pays great attention to the sustainable cooperation and development in the world. There is also a
development of the world; it is such an industry that aims to system of U.N. sustainable development indicators.
preserve peace in the world.
The system of environmental-economic accounting was
The World Tourism Organization has designated 2017 as the proposed by the Statistics Division of the U.N. Secretariat in
Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. U.N. 1993. The World Bank (2008) proposed the “true savings”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated: “Harnessing the indicator. The General Progress Indicator is also used - a
tremendous benefits of tourism will be critical to achieving generalized indicator that replaces GDP as an integral
sustainable development goals and the post-2015 measure. For the world to understand the role of sustainable
development agenda.” The main goal of the Year of tourism, it is important to generate new knowledge,
Sustainable Tourism is to explore and highlight the potential knowledge in sustainable tourism, disseminate such
that tourism has to transform the world into an area of knowledge, and hold conferences. Workshops, research
shared prosperity and well-being. In accordance with this dedicated to sustainable tourism creates interdisciplinary
goal, much work appears to study the world's tourism platforms.
potential, develop mechanisms for its use in economic
Tourism Education: Challenges for the 21st Century and
activity, its competent involvement and use from ecology and
the Role of UNWTO
cultural heritage preservation. Tourism not only can, but
At present, after more than 40 years of development, most
tourism constantly stimulates economic growth and the
economy's related sectors, approximately 53 sectors. developed countries are widely implementing educational
programs in the field of tourism. These programs cover
Tourism contributes to the growth of new jobs.
virtually all levels - from secondary schools to universities
Currently, every eleventh job in the world belongs to the and virtually all prism sectors. The initial programs are
tourism industry, every seventh and related sector of the focused on the hospitality sector, the educational function
economy. Due to the growth of tourist arrivals, the aimed at those who intend to work in the restaurant service
development of tourism in new tourist destinations, and new or leisure activities. They have now been joined by programs
facilities' construction, holding significant events globally, that deal with other tourism elements, from voucher trading
the industry's growth is continually increasing. It is also to attracting visitors. The latest innovation is special events
important to note that tourism helps people in many programs, ranging from global events such as the Olympic
countries avoid poverty and improve their well-being. Games to smaller events such as weddings and anniversaries
Tourism should be seen as a factor that contributes to gender to educate those wishing to work in the sector. The tourism
equality. A huge role is assigned to tourism as a sector that industry is considered the world's largest employer and is
influences ecosystems and biodiversity contributes to likely to continue to grow and is currently supported by a
protecting natural and cultural heritage. The International comprehensive education program.
Year 2017 has been expected to raise awareness among the The development of these educational programs is important
public and decision-makers of sustainable tourism's
for two key reasons. First, it provides a source of educated
contribution to development while mobilizing all
and skilled workers, which is now an important component
stakeholders to work together to turn tourism into a catalyst
for change. The Year of Sustainable Tourism has encouraged of many countries' economies. Quantity, more importantly,
the workforce's quality, is often a determining factor in the
changes in policies, business practices, and consumer
success of tourism services, both in terms of customer
behaviour to make the tourism sector more sustainable.
satisfaction and the efficiency of delivery. The tourism
In tourism development, it is planned to highlight the role of business's success depends mostly on the relationship
tourism in five key areas: inclusive and sustainable economic between customers and first-line service personnel, whether
growth; social inclusion, employment and poverty reduction; it is a restaurant, theme park or airport, and employees'
efficient use of resources, environmental protection and ability to act quickly and efficiently.
climate change processes; cultural values, diversity, cultural
There is, however, another critical component that should be
heritage, mutual understanding and security.
introduced into educational programs in the field of tourism
To fulfil tasks of strengthening the role of tourism in the - a broader understanding of the nature, influence and
above areas, it is necessary to carry out the following impact on its tourism. As an activity, tourism can bring both
activities: to inform and educate to raise public awareness; benefits and losses to the community - the environment, the
to develop tourism policies; to build capacity in education. In way of life, the economy, even during a global pandemic. Its
ID: IJTSRD39823 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 9