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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

         Diagram №1 Experts answer the question, "When will the tourist demand for your destination begin to recover?"
                     5%        3%
                                                July - September 2020  October-December 2020     2021
               International      3%                   24%                  34%                  39%
               Domestic           14%                  45%                  25%                  15%

                                                    International  Domestic

                                                  Source: UNWTO – 2020
        Taking into account the WTO recommendations on the restoration of tourism, on May 28, 2020, the Decree of the President of
        the Republic of Uzbekistan "On urgent measures to support the tourism sector to reduce the negative impact of the coronavirus
        pandemic" was adopted, in which the priority is the resumption of domestic tourism in the regions of the Republic from June 1,
        2020, with a stable sanitary and epidemiological situation and with strict adherence to all sanitary standards. The same
        document adopted a package of measures to stimulate the early recovery of the industry, including, among other things,
        additional tax benefits and preferences, prolongation of the principal debt on previously issued loans and the provision of
        targeted interest-free loans, subsidies for start-ups and innovative tourism products. According to Abdukhakimov A., the head
        of the State Committee for Tourism, these measures should ensure the export of tourism services for more than 450 million U.S.

                          Table №1 Indicators of the development of domestic tourism in Uzbekistan
                                          Index                       2017      2018      2019
                        Estimated number of households, thousand units   6321   6565,8    6742,6
                        Of them made trips within the country        4463,8     4737,5    5972,3
                        They carried out trips, thousand trips      106814,4  119094,1  108517,4
                        overnight stay                               24550     28982,5    12920
                        with in a day                                82264,4   90111,6    95597
                       Source: Compiled by the author based on the data of the State Statistics Committee
        An analysis of domestic tourism development in Uzbekistan showed that although this direction of the industry recently began
        to develop relatively, before the pandemic, it experienced stable growth.
        However, in 2019, the number of trips within the country decreased by 9%, and the decline was due to a decrease in the
        number of overnight trips by more than two times, while trips without an overnight stay increased by 6%. In our opinion, the
        reasons for this decline could be the discrepancy between the price and quality of the provided accommodation services and
        the change in travel goals.
        In 2019, the priority goals of travel within Uzbekistan were visiting friends and relatives, making purchases. Therefore, for the
        further development of domestic tourism, it is necessary to increase travel attractiveness, which is vacation, leisure, and visits
        to religious sites. After all, it brings the highest income to the industry.

        ID: IJTSRD39823 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 11
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