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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Based on the above, household finance can be defined as follows: a set of economic (financial) relations related to the formation,
        distribution and use of funds for household consumption and savings in households called household finance. Some economic
        literature defines household finance as an expression of the economic monetary relationship that arises from the formation and
        use of a cash fund to provide for the material and social well-being of household members. It is also generally accepted in the
        economic  sciences  that  relations  that  occur  uniformly  and  continuously  in  a  particular  field  of  socio-economic  activity
        constitute the content of an independent economic category. Here we are talking about the socio-economic content of the
        category of “household finance”. With this in mind, the definition of household finance can be defined as follows: in the course
        of their socio-economic activities, households and their individual members are involved in the formation, distribution and use
        of funds. The set of incoming monetary relations is called household finance. In our opinion, household finance is a set of
        activities related to the purpose for which the members of the household use the money they have for their livelihood.
        Household finance also has several functions:
          The function of providing for the vital needs of the family
          Distribution function

        The first function of household finances is to create the conditions for family members to live. The development of market
        relations has a direct impact on the manifestation of this function. In a subsistence farm, the products created by the members
        of the household are mainly intended to meet their own needs. As a result of the emergence of the market and the formation of
        commodity-money relations:
          The material, social, cultural, and other needs of the family expand;
          Household cash is created and multiplied;
          The family budget is formed - a monetary fund aimed at providing the family with material benefits.

        The distribution function of household finances includes the primary distribution of national income and the formation of
        primary family income. The distribution function of household finances consists of three stages itself:
          formation of monetary funds

        Both functions of household finance are interrelated and complementary. From the point of view of the microeconomic
        approach, the economy of the household is based on a complex set of relations between its various participants, which is quite
        complex. These relationships are determined by age differences, character traits, people’s behaviors, and their different levels
        of income and needs. At the same time, healthy household development is possible only if its participants agree on economic
        (financial) decisions. In turn, the economic interests of the various participants in the household are coordinated through their
        regulation. By “regulating them” here is meant a change in the portion of income that per household member. Thus, it is clear
        that another function of household finance is to perform a regulatory function that supports the balanced development of the
        household as an economic unit.
        Another incentive function of household finance is expressed in various forms and contexts. On the one hand, it is manifested
        due to the desire of households to increase the income needed to meet their growing needs, on the other hand, the growth of
        household income depends on the quality and results of labor activities should be based. The incentive function of household
        finance is realized through the creation of an incentive financing mechanism based on the development of the production
        process and effective fiscal policy aimed at increasing the real incomes of the population. Nonetheless, the view that the social
        function is a separate function related to household finance can be considered, in a sense, well-founded. Because household
        incomes, expenditures, and savings directly reflect the socio-economic status of the population and its individual groups, they
        have  an  impact  on  personality  formation  and  demographic  processes.  In  this  sense,  household  finance  determines  the
        formation of living standards of all members of society and the characteristics of the structure of consumer demand, represents
        the dependence on the distribution of income, influences the socio-economic stratification of society. is the main factor.

        The effectiveness of household finance depends on the scale of financial relations in households - the completeness of diversity
        in the manifestation of relations and the mechanisms that ensure their development. No matter what the financial decisions of
        the household, it still depends on the formation and use of their monetary funds. In this context, household financial decisions
        cover the following areas that are inextricably linked:
          formation of household income;
          volume and structure of consumption expenditures (household consumption fund);
          opportunity and necessity to create savings funds.
        The process of household income generation is of fundamental importance. The total amount of money that a household
        receives over a period of time is called the income of the household. Such revenues come in different forms, are measured by a
        system of quantitative and qualitative indicators, and come from different sources according to their economic content Natural
        income is not a commodity and is the result of the labor of members of the household who are self-sufficient. The higher the
        income, the higher the financial capacity of households and the wider the range of financial decisions. The structure of
        household income is shown in Figure 2:

        ID: IJTSRD39824 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 16
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